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Pink Rose Periwinkle Plants are highly valuable to humanity and the tremendous benefits they offer are certainly unfathomable. The fact still remains that most plants offer medicinal supports to tackle several ailments that tend to pose dangers to human beings. Furthermore, several biological and chemical active compounds are claimed to be present in most of these plants.Interestingly, most of t

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Low Carb Cookbook

Low Carb Living Slow Cooker Cookbook: 30 Delicious Low-Carb Slow Cooker Recipes to Kick-Start Weight Loss Contains Classic Favorites such as Jamaican Jerk Chicken, Slow Cooker Philly Cheesesteak, All-Veggie Low Carb Slow Cooker Minestrone Soup, and much more! Low Carb Slow Cooker Cookbook lends you 30 easy, flavorful recipes to supercharge your diet plan and assimilate taste and flavor into your life once more.

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The Baking Bible

Legendary baker Rose Levy Beranbaum is back with her most extensive “bible” yet. With all-new recipes for the best cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, candies, pastries, breads, and more, this magnum opus draws from Rose’s passion and expertise in every category of baking. As is to be expected from the woman who’s been called “the most meticulous cook who ever lived,” each sumptuous recipe is truly foolproof—with detail-oriented instructions that eliminate guesswork, “plan-aheads,” ingenious tips, and highlights for success. From simple everyday crowd-pleasers (Coffee Crumb Cake Muffins, Gingersnaps, Gooseberry Crisp) to show-stopping stunners (Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse Tart, Mango Bango Cheesecake, White Christmas Peppermint Cake) to bakery-style pastries developed for the home kitchen (the famous French Kouign Amann), every recipe proves that delicious perfection is within reach for any baker.

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Paleo Cookbook

Paleo Slow Cooker Meals: 45 Easy Nutrient-Rich Recipes: 1 (Paleo, Low Carb, Crockpot Recipes, Quick & Easy, Paleo Diet, Crock Pot, Grain Free) Overview How to Make Paleo Alternatives for Rice and Pasta meals 45 recipes for paleo slow cooker meals 20 main slow cooker dishes 10 soups and stews 15 appetizers and side dishes A lot more!

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Low carb diet is an eating plan which greatly minimises the consumption of high amount of carbohydrates to reduce the onset of obesity especially with overweight individuals. Within this plan, foods such as pasta, rice, white bread, yam and sugar are replaced with foods rich in protein contents such as fish, meat, egg, cheese etc.The area of research supporting low-carb diets has tremendously grow

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Croissant is of French origin however, many countries are now enjoying this flaky pastry as a continental breakfast. This croissant turned out super buttery and flaky and absolutely the way I love it. I chose flaky almonds and sliced strawberries for the topping and I believe I selected a perfect combination as it was so delicious.

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How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? On a scale of 1 to 10, rate yourself.If your score is 10/10, then I wholeheartedly render a very big kudos to you.If your score is between 5 to 9, then you have done so well.If you score beneath 5, then you definitely need to wake up from your slumber right away.Yes, this serves as a clarion call to us all!!!It is still not late for you to start acknowled

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Carrot fufu || How to make carrot fufu

Have you ever thought of using carrots to make fufu? If you haven't, then this is an opportunity for you to make some carrot fufu for yourself, family and friends. This carrot fufu recipe is pretty easy yet the outcome is overwhelmingly amazing. You only need 2 ingredients (carrots and psyllium husks powder) to make this dish a reality.

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GLUTEN-FREE DIET: HOW BENEFICIAL IS IT TO YOUR HEALTH?A gluten-free diet is a diet that strictly contains foods without gluten. On the other hand, gluten is a protein derived from Latin word glue which is a composite gotten from wheat, barley, rye and grains. Gluten makes a dough to easily expand and rise as well retain its shape with flexibility. It is often used in producing dermatological prod

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Milk Do you like milk? If yes, how often do you take it? If no, what are your reasons? Whatever may be the case, this post details some noteworthy facts about milk that you definitely need to know, including some milk benefits and side effects. Before we proceed, it might interest you to know that the past years have recorded an increasing alert on the importance of maintaining healthy nutrition

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