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Medicinal plants play a significant role in human health as they make an awesome substitute for orthodox medicine. Olacaceae is one of such medicinal plants that is often used in folk medicine mostly for giving relief from inflammatory pain. Pain is a discomfort feeling caused as a result of disease or injury. Olacaceae contains antinociceptive properties, which suggests its ability of blocking th

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Sago Worm Worm!!! Why on earth should I eat worm? Is it safe to eat worm? Is it healthy? Is it nutritious? What can I benefit from eating worm? These few questions and much more could be going on in your mind at the sight of this article. To answer these few questions ~ It is a big fat YES from me! Yes, you can eat some types of worms but not all worms, it is safe to eat certain worms but not al

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Special info for you on a special day!!! Black beans and yam is a special dish you definitely need on a special day like this. And if you enjoy preparing your own meals, which I presume is the reason you are reading this post, then this recipe is a WIN WIN for you.

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Mango Spinach Smoothie || How To Make A Green Smoothie

If life offers you some fresh spinach, mangoes, condensed milk, moringa powder and fresh whole milk, please do not hesitate to make a green smoothie out of 'em! Like most smoothies, this mango spinach smoothie recipe is very versatile. Grab the ingredients, head over to the kitchen and get started already! You can take your creativity and run with it!

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Due to the increasing awareness that is drawn towards the consumption of phytochemical compounds, the intake of maize has recently gained attention for studies. Maize is considered a healthy food because of its high constituent of phytochemicals and essential nutrients. Resistant starch from maize or high-amylose maize exhibits several health beneficial effects. Due to the numerous health benefits of maize, its inclusion in our daily diets is highly recommended. Moreover, the increasing population continues to increase the demand for more food production. Apart from satisfying the incessant demand for food, maize has been proven to meet up with both our nutritional, pharmaceutical, therapeutic, economic, medical and industrial demands.

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Lighten up your day with this deliciously prepared beef casserole! Rich, delicious, easy-to-make, tasty and unbelievably satisfying that you can’t afford to miss this dish.

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Lahmacun Turkish pizza is such a spicy, healthy, easy to make, cheap and super tantalising quickie snack you would always want to enjoy at all times. Packed with assorted nutritious ingredients, it is such a dish that never disappoints! Why not give the recipe a try NOW!!!

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Grilled Steak With Yoghurt Cream

Grilled Steak With Yoghurt Cream is such a super delicious dish, easy to prepare and just perfect for a quickie dinner especially after a long working day. It is so easy that once you get back from work, drop your bag and head to the kitchen, you are sure to fix the dinner within 15 mins.

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Spicy Chilli Chicken

What’s cooking for dinner? Try this tantalizing, delicious and appetizing twist of spicy chilli chicken for tonight's dinner. Very easy to prepare and yet super yummy!

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This chickpea dip with vegetable batons dish is a fun, quick, tasty and healthy way to spice up your dinner. Easy to make, tasty and super healthy. Give the recipe a try and you will be glad you did.

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Chicken Drumstick Soup

This chicken drumstick soup is amongst the easiest chicken recipes anyone can think of preparing. It is very palatable and more succulent than any other chicken part.

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It is just super simple and can't be any simpler than this! Make that apple, kiwi and plum yogurt within 5 mins for a quick breakfast, lunch or dinner dessert. Yes, you can do it because it can't be any easier than this.

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The delicious taste of this tomato lamb stew pairs up perfectly well with either your bowl of cooked rice, cooked spaghetti or any other main meal of choice for a perfect lunch or dinner.

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Roasted Turkey || How To Cook A Turkey For Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving day and it is a blessing to be alive today. Roasting a Thanksgiving turkey is not tedious yet the result is delicious and super satisfying. The key to a perfect flavourful and tasty turkey is using the right sets of ingredients. Although there are a couple of prep works involved in this turkey recipe, but these are nothing you cannot do.

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These plain cupcakes are an ideal breakfast treat, midday pick-me-up or post dinner snacks. Whether you want to have them for breakfast, host a party or celebrate any activities, you are quite assured that they can perfectly fit the bill.

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Spice up your lunch or dinner with this delectable vegetable soup (efo riro). So refreshing, easy-to-cook and packed with assorted nutritious vegetables that are highly essential for the well-being of your body. Give the recipe a try and you will be glad you did.

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Grilled Mackerel

Grilled mackerel is just a perfect dish to prepare while struggling to hold on to the last phase of summer. It's crispy, delicious and aromatic nature with vegetarian inspired dressing makes the most of this extremely healthy fish. It is good for you, it is also good for me.

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Khash soup is a nutritious winter soup suitable for warming up and relaxation especially during the cold weather although the soup can still be eaten any time of the year. It is a very palatable delicacy and so easy to prepare.

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This 10 minute mushroom soup turned out super gooey, easy and super delicious. The choice of ingredients contain the necessary combination that will ever make a perfect dinner.

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This grilled watermelon with watermelon drink is definitely a simple breakfast, lunch or dinner dessert you can ever think of. It is absolutely up to you to give it a try and I have no doubt that you will enjoy every bit of it much as I did.

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