Eating your sweet corn with African pear, which is also known as ube is just magical. I enjoyed as the African pear (ube) melted right through my mouth while I sucked them from the seeds while paired with the sweet corn.

What special side-dish to relax with during the dry season and summer than with some freshly cooked sweet corn (Zea mays) on the cob with African pears? Sweet corn usually grows in ears with each of them enveloped in kernels that are covered by the corn silk. This is then encapsulated in a corn husk. Some benefits of sweet corn that might interest you to know include;
Excellent source of vitamins
Corn is an excellent source of carbohydrate, protein, iron, dietary fiber, potassium, pantothenic acid, folate, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium and thiamin. These vitamins are very vital for boosting the body's well-being, maintaining cognitive functioning of the brain, ensuring proper growth as well as protecting the body from diseases and illnesses.
Antioxidant Benefits
Corn is an excellent source of phytonutrients and anti-oxidants such as zeaxanthin, caffeic acid, beta-carotene, anthocyanins, lutein, ferulic acid and protocatechuic acid, which are supported by researchers to be disease-fighting and very important to our health.
Digestive Benefits
The high dietary fiber content of corn makes it suitable for digestive purposes. Moreover, the intake of dietary fibers help to reduce the risk of intestinal problems such as colon cancer, constipation and hemorrhoids.

African pear (ube), on the other hand is a fleshy luscious fruit that is rich in minerals and oils. This fruit usually grows annually and harvested alongside the harvest time of corns, which suggests why the both are often eaten together as a staple side-dish of the season. You can read more on the benefits of the African pears.
Preparing the sweet corns and African pears before consumption takes minimal time but relaxing to enjoy them can take you as long as you wish.

So once you get this side-dish ready, just pause for few seconds and reflect on you, relaxing round the dining table or on the couch with a golden looking salted and tasty head of sweet corn cooked to satisfaction with some salted roasted African pears (ube).
Okey-dokey! okey-dokey!! okey-dokey!!! A brilliant and perfect way to relax with the family and discuss how the week or day went-by.

Moreover, I can attest for sure that one of the best ways of entertaining your guests and friends is by placing a tray of freshly cooked sweet corn (oka) and pears (ube) right before them. However, in the absence of pears (ube), you can substitute the pears with coconut or better still, the corn can be eaten just alone.

In-case you have not had a taste of this special delicacy in the past, I bet you will love it cos it is ? ? ? and if you can pause a while and join me to rate this special dish, I bet you won't hesitate to take a breath and grade it 101%.
Eating cooked or roasted sweet corn with pears (oka na ube) is a perfect masterplan for a lengthy but yet relaxing chats or conversations.

Give this recipe a try and I bet you will enjoy it. I bet it will also change your side-dish lifestyle that you would want to eat it over and over again!
Loads of Love Blessing :D