While I was busy taking some photo shoots for this jollof egg noodles recipe, the sun was equally busy radiating through the window ~ throwing some magnificent light rays on the food.
Honestly, this is one main thing I enjoy about spring!!!
With the atmosphere so clear, with the blue skies smiling joyfully, with the sun setting so late at night, the environment very welcoming, the trees budding new leaves, the green grass sprouting out graciously and the birds singing out melodious tones - just name them ~ ~ ~
C'mon tell me what not to love and admire about this lovely weather? Personally, I must say that there is none and in my little way of enjoying this beautiful spring weather, I thought it right to make some palatable jollof egg noodles that I can relax over for lunch. Perfect choice I must confess!
While I was considering an ideal menu for lunch, I bumped into a packet of egg noodles I had over a couple of days in the kitchen cupboard. Right away, I knew that these noodles are gonna make a perfect dish that will complement my afternoon. I think I took the right decision because converting this packet of egg noodles into a saucepan of delicious jollof noodles was just phenomenal.

With the luscious addition of some sweet peppers, fresh chives, black peppercorn, onions and a few spices, these egg noodles cooked up tall, non-sticky and really good. The ingredients were quite easy to pair up and the dish was ready within 15 minutes. I don't think there is any better way of fixing a quickie lunch for a busy afternoon.
Come to think of it, this is the first time I'm making jollof egg noodles. It just struck my mind that I can actually adopt a jollof rice recipe for an egg noodle. Initially, I thought the recipe wasn't going to be suitable for the egg noodles but I was totally wrong.
Yes, I was wrong because this jollof egg noodle dish finally turned out to be a WINNING ONE!

The recipe couldn't have been any easier and the dish itself couldn't have tasted any better than it did. I decided to adopt my mum's all-time favourite sweet pepper sauce for this recipe and I am happy I did. So for me, this dish is truly a rich, savoury and piquant dish to comfort your stomach and quench your hunger on a hot sunny day.
Honestly, I have added this dish to my long list of all-time favourite dishes. Yep, cos this recipe is definitely gonna age together with me as I will make the dish over and over and over and over and over and over againnnnnnnnnnn. A perfect lunch or dinner choice for you, your household and your friends.

But let me also highlight that this recipe is not a rigid type since you are free to experiment and work with the ingredients and herbs of your choice. The ingredients are pretty easy to pair up so just feel free to do what suits you well.
Apart from using your favourite spices and herbs, you can equally complement the dish with fish, chicken, beef barbecue or even omelette. I used only sweet red pepper but you can use tomatoes or bell peppers to make the noodles colourful.

So I encourage you to give this recipe a shot and no doubt you will enjoy every bit of it.