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Tomato is an edible fruit belonging to the nightshade family of Solanum lycopersicum.  It originated from South American Andesbut its usage as food originated in Mexico before spreading to the other parts of the world. It is grown in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate areas.  Ali et., al (2014) support that tomato is a rich  source of antioxidants, vitamins,  minerals and fibers. it is also a pe

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Peanuts botanically known as Arachis hypogaea belongs to the species of legume of the Fabaceae family (Feng et., al 2012). It is an annual plant growing approximately 30 to 50 cm tall which originated from Paraguay. They are known with other names such as ground nuts, monkey nuts or pygmy nuts.According to the Peanut Institute, peanuts are rich sources of vitamin E, niacin, copper, phosphorus magn

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 [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO9PNYEgs1U[/embed]I can now confidently say that I am amazingly excited that I will henceforth be using Canon EOS 6D for my food photography. I just unboxed the Canon EOS 6D Camera and I am ecstatic.Ooh la la I am mmmmmm................. as in seriously dancing!Ask me why?Well, because I am finally unboxing my Canon EOS 6d. Yes, Yes, Yes!Sorry that I a

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It’s August and the weather is so favourable, fruit and vegetables are all blossoming and ripening to the fullest. This is the time of the year when the farmers markets, supermarkets, grocery stores all stock their shelves with assorted fresh fruit and vegetables that are just super attractive to behold. Although certain fruit and vegetables are all year rounders, yet some are more expensive at ce

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