Hello there,
My name is Blessing, the brain behind this blog. This website was created to serve as a convenient platform to unravel, share and grow knowledge on healthy ways of eating, helpful kitchen tools and a showcase of the preparatory steps for assorted food recipes from all over the world.
I hold a PhD in Business and Management and a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from a UK university. Professionally, I work as a digital product designer. I wake up each morning thinking of the best ways to help businesses solve complex business-related problems. I derive much joy in helping businesses improve their users’ experience with their products. Aside from my career, I am also passionate about cooking, food and health-related matters. I am constantly researching and blogging about my research findings.
During my leisure time or over the weekends, I create food-related content cum videos that I share with my fans. My passion for food emanated as a growing child - many thanks to my dearest mother for inculcating a great ton of knowledge in me, which I am privileged to share with the world today. I have been cooking from my very early days on earth and I am still paddling on this incredible journey of discovering new recipes and better economical ways of meal preparation. I understand that preparing a good meal requires using the right and best ingredients thus, the reason why I am highly interested in sourcing for and recommending quality tools, equipment, books and products for cooking food. I subscribe to the “Knowledge-Sharing” school of thought hence the reason I still squeeze out time to create invaluable contents for my readers despite my tight schedules. I create contents that are helpful for everything food preservation, processing and cooking etc.
Over the years, families have passed on their cooking recipes from one generation to another but this appears to be in decline. With GlobalFoodBook, I hope that this gap can be bridged with the global use of the internet. This website exists to encourage and help individuals with no prior cooking experience. I believe that anybody can learn to cook any recipe from any part of the world. GlobalFoodBook is here to make cooking very easy, economical and time-saving! I aim to empower people with the knowledge of healthy food preparation and healthy living. Many people complain and moan that cooking "tasty and palatable foods" is quite costly and time-consuming, but with GLOBALFOODBOOK, this impression is alleviated. You are encouraged to make eating healthy food a habit. Growing up, I witnessed many people suffer varying diseases caused by reckless eating habits. I am also privileged to have come across people who are/were very conscious of what they consumed and of course, observed those people live/lived happier and longer. A good example of this is my grandad who passed away at the age of 104 years in October 2014.
My grandfather was a great, honourable and inspirational man whose inspiration was part of the motivation to set up this blog so as to share his words of wisdom, eating and healthy lifestyle to the outer world. While growing up, like any other kid, I spent a lot of time with her grandfather, especially during school vacations. My grandfather was well known for his strict eating rules and habits. As I became more aware of my environment, I noticed his eating pattern which aroused my curiosity and prompted me to ask him questions. I had series of discussions with him regarding the secret behind his healthy health and longer lifespan which I aim to share with everyone on this platform. In one of our several discussions, he said thus; “My daughter, although God has been in control of my life, I have laid great emphasis behind the scenes on the quality of food and drinks I consume which hasn't been stressful to me because I got used to it over time. Notwithstanding, I am very much aware that my eating habit could be super stressful for most people because a lot of people pay very less attention to their food intake”.

His comment gave me some thrilling sensations that prompted me to insist that he must explain succinctly on what his statements were all about. To a larger extent, his pieces of advice have been invaluable and remain the core motive behind setting up this blog.
Summarily, I am here to empower almost anyone through GLOBALFOODBOOK to cook! and to raise further awareness of the need for eating healthy meals. One thing is to eat quality food and the other is to ensure that it is properly balanced, as our body systems require more balanced, safer, and healthier meals. So your girl is here in a full circle to share with everyone the importance of a healthy eating lifestyle. I am very optimistic with my fingers crossed that we all (You & I) will share and grow knowledge together on the food table of this website. Since we all are aiming and reaching for the same goal "GOOD FOOD FOR GOOD HEALTH" let us join our hands together to touch and grab it.......
Join in the train of recipes creativity and enjoy many fantastic delicacies! I aim to supply you with not only what you want, but palatable, colourful and easiest method of food preparation for maximum enjoyment. When people think of GlobalFoodBook, I want them to instantly think of food recipes, food preservation and food processing techniques. Conclusively, I want GlobalFoodBook to be synonymous with food recipes by all means.
Watch out for food recipes from around the globe, tweets and blogs on healthy eating and food-related topics. Looking forward to sharing and growing knowledge together with you on food and health-related matters.