Watch this video recipe of Assorted Meat Pepper Soup!
Growing up, one of my mum's favourite appetizers to serve alongside other main meals especially during festival periods is pepper soup. In fact, pepper soup happens to be one of her favourite soups especially the spicy ones. Any kind of pepper soup suffices for her --- be it the goat meat pepper soup, beef pepper soup, chicken pepper soup, turkey pepper soup, fresh fish pepper soup, catfish pepper soup, the list goes on and on. Interestingly, I grew up to also realize that this distinctive soup is such a fantastic soup that anybody, irrespective of your culture or origin will love to feast on. I say so, simply because I love pepper soup and I can't recall coming across anyone that does not like or enjoy this palatable soup. Although I can make an exception only if the pepper soup has been cooked inappropriately thereby leading to its tastelessness. If you know of anyone who does not like pepper soup, please direct the person to this page. I can assure you that the person's perception of pepper soup will definitely change for good after trying out this recipe. Pepper soup can be cooked to be very spicy (with excessive pepper), mild or even without any chilli but I enjoy mine mild. I don't mind it spicy though, but not to the extent that my tongue gets burnt off----LOL.
Peradventure this is the first time you are getting to hear about this recipe and wondering what peppersoup is all about, relax, cos you have landed on the right page.
What is pepper soup? Pepper Soup is simply a hot or spicy broth containing either small cuts of meat or big chunks of fish. Pepper soup is a kind of soup delicacy whereby meat or fish is cooked with an ample amount of water with some special spices, stock and condiments for a distinctive taste. It is a popular African soup, which suggests why it is also referred to as an African pepper soup. It is also a popular Nigerian recipe, which suggests why it is also referred to as a Nigerian pepper Soup. Pepper soup is notable for its signature flavour and aroma that makes it irresistible when someone is close to its proximity. I can assure you that you will love this soup the very moment you have a taste of it. Pepper soup is a popular appetiser commonly served during festivals, parties, occasions, events, eateries and restaurants. Ideally, pepper soups are cooked in such a way that the accompanying meat broth or fish broth isn't allowed to dry up while cooking. The broth, which is usually served hot is scooped alongside the meat or fish while eating the pepper soup. In fact, it is the meat broth or fish broth that makes pepper soup what it is.

Most importantly, pepper soup is pretty easy to cook in as much as you have the required ingredients. Pepper soup can be served alone and eaten as it is or it can be served alongside other main meals such as agidi (cornflour pudding), rice, yam. Give this recipe a try and you will be glad you did.