I love juniper berry and probably you too!!! Medicinal fruits have been and will continue to play significant roles in promoting our healthy well-being.
Several fruits have remained the mainstay in pharmaceutical discoveries and in the development of drugs for treating and curing several ailments and diseases.
One of such important fruits is the juniper berry (juniperus communis). There is no doubt that you might have been aware of some nutritive values of juniper berry but the question is; apart from the nutritive values of the juniper berry, but have you ever bothered to learn more about other beneficial attributes of this important fruit?
It might really interest you to relax and read through this post in other to tap into some of the phenomenal benefits of the juniper berry (juniperus communis). But before addressing the amazing benefits of this spectacular fruit, it is important to shed some lights on what this fruit is all about.
Juniper berry is a female seed cone, which is botanically known as juniperus communis. Juniper berry is not a true berry but the cone is characterised by closely merged fleshy scales that look like berries. Some edible species of berries are Juniperus californica, Juniperus drupacea, Juniperus deppeana and Juniperus phoenicea however, Juniperus sabina has been reported to be toxic and harmful to health.
Juniperus communis measures approximately 4 to 12 mm in diameter while other species can be smaller or bigger in size depending on the species. Juniper berry tends to be greenish in color while still immature but changes to purplish-black color when it matures and gets ripen. Juniper berry is characterised by its unique sweetness and flavor, which contributes to its high usage for seasoning and food flavoring.
Researchers reveal that the juniper berry plant possesses both antifungal, analgesic, antihypercholesterolemic, diuretic, antibacterial, antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic, anti-inflammatory, anticataleptic, antioxidant, neuroprotective, antimicrobial and hepatoprotective properties. All these numerous amazing properties of juniper berry contribute to our healthy well being. Likewise, some of the astonishing benefits of Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis) are also detailed below.

10 Outstanding Benefits of Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis)
1. Ornamental benefits
Juniper berry seeds and cones can be used as natural beads for making jewelleries and for beautifying the house. The plant is characterised by good-looking colourful appearance, which suggests why it is usually planted to add beauty to the environment.
2. Diuretic Properties
Juniper berry can be used for preparing medications for treating diuresis, which is a health condition whereby the urine production in the kidneys is increased as part of the body's homeostatic regulation of fluid level. Studies reveal that consuming juniper berry can help to maintain a balanced fluid level in the body.
3. Treatment of rheumatism
Juniper berries can be used for manufacturing medicinal drugs for treating rheumatism and for relieving pains associated with arthritis.
4. Hunger Suppressant
Studies reveal that native Americans do consume juniper berry in order to reduce their appetite for food as well as to suppress hunger. They claim that adopting this style helps in their weight management plans.
5. Remedy for diet-controlled diabetes
Due to the ability of this fruit to release insulin from pancreas, researchers claim that it can alleviate hunger thus serves as a remedy for diet-controlled diabetes.
6. Contraceptive
Women of conception age from certain tribes use the juniper berry as a contraceptive. Pregnant women are encouraged not to consume juniper berry because it can induce uterine contractions.
7. Culinary Purposes
Juniperus communis is used for seasoning food and for flavoring drinks such as juice, gin and raki due to its unique aromatic flavor. It also serves as a food sweetener.
8. Treatment of Wounds
Due to the powerful antiseptic properties of the juniper berry, it can be squeezed and applied on bruised skin, wounds and localized part of the body to relieve pains and for healing. It can also be used for treating infections.
9. Detoxifier
Juniper berries can be used for producing herbal medicines that are capable of cleansing and detoxifying the liver and kidneys of waste products.
10. Aromatherapeutic properties
Juniper berry contains aromatherapeutic properties thus the essential oil and aromatic compounds derived from this fruit can be used for making perfumes, altering one's mood and for promoting the psychological and physiological well-being of the body.
This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnostic and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition.
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