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Salad Burnet The human race is richly blessed with assorted edible medicinal and herbal plants that are very protective against diseases as well as effective in promoting our well-being. Numerous plants, vegetables and herbs being consumed by human beings have been found to be richly endowed with essential vitamins, polyphenols and minerals that are useful in promoting our health. One of such im

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Remy Martin Coeur de Cognac Brandy

A blend of Grande and Petite Champagne, Coeur de Cognac is a mellow, balanced and superbly balanced Cognac. Deep, golden amber in colour, this blend combines hints of ripe summer fruits and luscious caramel notes. One of Remy Martin's recent releases, Coeur de Cognac is a beautiful blend distilled very slowly for extra smoothness.

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This cucumber, lettuce, tomato, basil and parsley salad is such a refreshing and nutritious salad that will definitely sooth your tastebud anytime, any day. Crunchy, tasty and nutritious; this is such an all rounder salad dish for everyone.

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Salad Shirazi

Globalfoodbook presents this Iranian inspired Salad Shirazi for your refreshment and enjoyment. This Salad Shirazi is packed with several fresh vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, green beans, fresh tomatoes, potatoes, red cabbage and eggs etc. It is super easy to prepare and above all very healthy.

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Permit me to interest you today with a specially selected recipe of green Thai chicken and wild rice salad. This is a dish involving a bowl piled up high with spiced cooked wild rice, rice noodles, edamame, diced chives, sliced vegetables, spicy--fried chicken and spicy-herb cream dip. Superdeliicciiooussss, that’s what I think.

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Vegetable Salad || Fresh Salad Recipe

When next you visit your nearest grocery store or the farmers market, make provisions to purchase the necessary ingredients and make this nutritious mixed vegetable salad for yourself and loved ones. The recipe is pretty easy yet the outcome is super healthy and refreshing to the body.

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Abacha Salad

Abacha salad is an African distinctive dish prepared basically from cassava tubers. This special salad is so irresistible due to their delicious, mouthwatering and aromatic taste. If you are in quest of a new type of dish or food recipe, then this salad is just a perfect dish for you.

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