Ingredients Utensils
Coriander Leaves Smokeless Barbecue Grill
Dark sauce
Lemon juice
I love roasted chicken thighs and I love making roasted chicken thighs.....
Either of the above statement makes me happy. I try to keep my love for roasted chicken thighs in check at all times because I am so conscious of my weight.
Yes, you might want to know that I have lost weight over the past few months. Yesterday, I ran into one of my course mates in the University whom I last saw like three years ago. We embraced and greeted each other so well and the few questions she threw at me were;
"Blessing you have lost weight, what is the secret? What happened? You look better, slimmer and sexier now (Laughing) Please share with me your secrets and I must abide by the rules".
At some point, I had to ask her to slow down because she was just bombarding me with loads and loads of questions.
Well, to cut the whole story short, I only shared the secret I've always shared with my fans with her.
I emphasised on the need for her to cut down on her intake of fatty, starchy and oily food products but rather eat more of fruits and vegetables.
I confided in her that my main trick for trimming down is because I only ate fruits and vegetables for a whole month in the last 5 months without any other cooked food.
She immediately admitted that this plan will be too difficult for her to stick on to but she will try and work towards it.
The truth is that, the more chicken you eat, the more chicken you crave for. Like I mentioned earlier, I love chicken meat and my love for chicken contributed to my weight gain. I found this out the hard way and decided to work on it and goodness that I am now curtailing my meat intake.
My strategy of cutting down on my excess chicken intake is to eat less chicken but more fish.
Am not discouraging you from eating chicken but my point is that it shouldn't be a regular habit!
These days, I only treat myself with chicken meals once in a while.
Coming up with this recipe is an easy part, but I had issues determining what to eat it with. I usually end up garnishing it with salad, roasted carrots or broccoli which are all appetising but not usually better than eating the roasted chicken thighs all alone. This recipe was just a perfect dinner for my family last nite because I already had all the ingredients in my kitchen cupboard.
The recipe is fairly easy and straight forward to make. All you need is just a simple CALL TO ACTION!

Grab your chicken thighs, wash and season them properly, allow to marinate for few hours and then throw them into a preheated oven to get them roasted and ready to eat. Just so easy as that.

See you in the kitchen making your own roasted chicken thighs but don't forget to submit your recipe here so we can learn from each other.