We are richly endowed with numerous beneficial plants and fruits that have significant health and global importance. Most of these plants and fruits exhibit both pharmacological and therapeutic impacts on both human and animal lives.
These plants contain chemical compounds that help either directly or indirectly to prevent or treat diseases as well as to promote the healthy well being of human beings. One of such important plants is the Aegle marmelos (L.) tree that produces the golden apple (bael).
Several researchers have reported various interesting facts about this fruit, which is part of the reason why this fruit is highly important for everyone’s use. Also known as bhel, stone apple, Bengal quince, bili, Japanese bitter orange or wood apple, the golden apple is originally from India where it is considered a sacred tree before spreading to other parts of the world.
Apart from being eaten as fruit, the golden apple (bael) is also used in folk medicine for making herbal medicines that treat various ailments. The golden apple (bael) fruit is characterized by smooth-looking sort of woody shell outer covering with a yellow, gray or green peel. The outer shell of the golden apple is quite hard that it can only be cut open with a knife or hammer. The fibrous yellow pulp of the fruit consists of many hairy seeds that are enveloped in a slimy mucilage and it is so aromatic with sweet tangy taste. The fruit takes approximately eleven to twelve months to get ripen on the tree.

Both the fruits, leaves and roots of the golden apple are highly beneficial for medicinal purposes and the fruit can reach the size of a pomelo or grapefruit. The golden apple fruit can be eaten fresh or dried. It can also be squeezed, drained and sweetened to produce drink that has similar appearance with a lemonade.
Golden apple fruit is an effective home remedy for treating several health related problems such as sexual dysfunctions, constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcer, indigestion, diabetes, respiratory problems, piles and dysentery etc. It also gives immunity to infections such as viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Below is a detailed descriptions of some of the astonishing benefits of golden apple (bael), which you should be aware of.
35 Exceptional Benefits of the Golden Apple (Bael)
1. Treatment of Gastrointestinal Problems
Studies reveal that the essential oil from the golden apple (bael) tree is useful for treating gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea, dysentery and stomach pain due to the laxative properties of the fruit. Researchers reveal that drinking golden apple (bael) juice regularly for up to 3 months is capable of reducing constipation and treating stomach pain.
This is because the golden apple juice helps to clean and nourish the intestines thereby getting rid of unwanted particles from the intestine. To relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), powdered bael can be mixed with a glass of warm water and then taken twice a day. The bark of Bael (Aegle marmelos) can be boiled together with ginger and caraway flower and the decoction can be taken daily on an empty stomach for up to three days to tackle any gastrointestinal problems.
2. Nutritional Benefits of the Golden Apple (Bael)
Golden apple (bael) is such an important fruit that is highly beneficial to human health because it is an excellent source carotene, protein, carbohydrate, dietary fibres, fat, magnesium, riboflavin, chromium, water, iron, tartaric acid, calcium, zinc, phosphorous, vitamin A, thiamine, minerals, niacin, potassium, vitamin C and manganese.
3. Treatment of Skin Problems
Bael can be used for treating urticaria by drinking a mixture of bael juice, cumin and bay leaf juice twice daily. It can also be used for treating redness of the skin, skin rashes, itching and vitiligo (white patches on the skin). Bael fruit powder can be mixed with honey and dates, which is then applied on the face for at least 25 minutes before washing off. This domestic treatment eliminates wrinkles and acne from the skin as well as tones up the skin.
4. Treatment of Ulcer
Bael leaves can be infused and taken alongside with the fruit for treating ulcer. This is due to the presence of phenolic compounds in bael, which contain anti-oxidizing properties thus gives relief from gastro-duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer. The anti-oxidizing properties are capable of balancing the mucosa levels or any sort of oxidative stress in the gastric tract.
5. Antimicrobial properties
Studies reveal that the golden apple (bael) juice contains antimicrobial properties due to the presence of eugenol, tannins, flavonoids, phenols and cuminaldehyde in it. Due to the antimicrobial ability of the bael fruit, it can be used for tackling intestinal pathogens such as Salmonella typhi, Shigella boydii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. sonnei, E. Coli and S. Flexneri.
6. Regulation of the Thyroid Hormone Secretion
Golden apple helps to regularize and control the secretion of the thyroid hormone thereby regulating its metabolism and preventing hyperthyroidism. Researchers reveal that both the fruit and leaves of the golden apple can be used to prepare herbal medicines that regulate hyperthyroidism.
7. Serves as an Energy Booster
Bael fruit is a quick energy booster thus eating this fruit keeps the body energized and richly filled with the essential nutrients. Bael fruit also facilitates the metabolic process of the body by boosting the functionality of the body organs.
8. Anticancer Properties
Scientists reveal that Aegle marmelos extract is antiproliferative thus can be used for inhibiting cancer cell growth and tumor cells. In a nutshell, eating the golden apple regularly is capable of giving protection against cancer such as breast cancer and tumor.
9. Regulates Blood Sugar Level
Aqueous extracts of golden apple (bael) can be taken for regulating the blood sugar level and constant urination in diabetic patients. It can also control the functioning of the pancreas and regulates the insulin secretions in the body.
10. Tackles Male Sexual Problems
Bael contains natural aphrodisiac properties that help in boosting men’s sexual urge. The bael fruit and leaves can be used for preparing herbal medicines that cure spermatorrhea, impotence, premature ejaculation and sexual dysfunction.
11. Balances menstrual irregularities
Women suffering from menstrual irregularities are encouraged to eat the bael fruit as it helps to regulate the progesterone secretion as well as balances the hormone. Golden apple also provides relief from menstrual pain and excessive menstrual bleeding.
12. Treatment of Respiratory Disorders
Taking the wood apple juice and the essential oil is very effective in tackling respiratory problems such as chest congestion, sore throat, asthma, influenza, cough, cold, breathlessness and bronchitis.
13. Treatment of Heart diseases
Drinking golden apple juice is very useful for preventing and managing heart related diseases like heart strokes and hypertension.
14. Phytochemical Contents of the Golden Apple
Studies reveal that bael is an excellent source of scoparone, alkaloids, coumarins, sterols, imperatorin, marmesin, mermin, umbelliferone, skimmin, essential oils, xanthotoxol, psoralen, scopoletin, xanthotoxin, alloimperatorin, which are all beneficial.
15. Treatment of Leprosy
Researchers reveal that dry powdered leaves of bael (Aegle marmelos) can be sprinkled on leprosy wounds after bathing in order to treat the disease. The process has to be continued until the leprosy is cleared.
16. Treatment of Smallpox
Dry powder of golden apple leaves can be mixed with water to form a paste, which is orally taken to clear smallpox.
17. Anti-fungal activity
Both the leaves, fruit and essential oil of the bael (Aegle marmelos) tree possess anti-fungal properties thus can be used for tackling fungal infections.
18. Eliminates Body Toxins
Regular consumption of bael fruit juice mixed with salt and black pepper is capable of eliminating toxins from the body.
19. Relieves Pregnancy Morning Sickness
Studies reveal that pregnant women suffering from morning sickness can eat raw bael pulp with sugar to get relief.
20. Balances the Hemoglobin Level
Golden apple is an excellent source of iron thus can be taken to balance the hemoglobin level and prevent iron deficiency anemia.
21. Elimination of Dandruff
Dandruff can be eliminated by regularly massaging golden apple extracts with coconut oil on the scalp.
22. Treatment of Tuberculosis
Bael fruit can be mixed with honey and sugar, which is then taken regularly at night to treat tuberculosis.
23. Boost of Appetite
Eating golden apple and the dried leaves powder is highly beneficial for preventing loss of appetite and boosting the appetite level.
24. Boosts Breast Milk Production
Golden apple juice when mixed with jaggery and ginger powder can be taken by lactating mothers to boost breast milk production.
25. Prevents Scurvy
Constant intake of the golden apple fruit helps to prevent scurvy, which is a disease caused as a result of vitamin C deficiency.
26. Regulates the Cholesterol Level
Consuming golden apple juice is highly important for controlling and regulating the cholesterol level, tissue lipid profiles, triglycerides and serum level.
27. Relieves Inflammation
Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the bael extract, it can be taken to relieve inflammations, swelling and joint pain. Golden apple leaves paste can be applied on the affected areas for relief.
28. Protection from Liver Disorders
Bael contains hepato-protective properties thus can be taken to protect the liver from cirrhosis and other liver infections. It also regulates the proper functioning of the liver.
29. Food Allergies Relief
Taking a mixture of the golden apple leaves with salt and ajwain (Bishop’s weed) seeds gives instant relief from food allergies.
30. Controls Blood Pressure Level
Wood apple (bael) leaves is an excellent source of phytonutrients that are capable of regulating and controlling the blood pressure level.
31. Treatment of Jaundice
Individuals suffering from jaundice can take a herbal mixture of bael leaves extract, honey and black pepper for cure.
32. Headache Relief
People suffering from severe headache can squeeze fresh bael leaves and form a paste, which is then applied on the forehead. Applying this herbal paste of bael leaves on the forehead gives instant relief from headache.
33. Detoxifier
Bael juice can be mixed with sugar and warm water, which is then taken to cleanse and purify the blood from toxins and unwanted waste products.
34. Boosts the Immune System
Bael fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C thus can be taken as an antioxidant to boost the immune system as well as to protect the body from early ageing.
35. Healing of Fractured Bones
Bael powder can be mixed with turmeric and ghee, which is then applied on fractured bones for healing.
Having read through all these astounding benefits of the golden apple, it will be highly appreciated if you leave your opinion or ask related questions in the comment section. Every opinion counts!!!
This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnostic and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition.
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