Over the past couple of months, I have been hearing so many positive news about the apple cider vinegar that prompted me to release this piece. But seriously, a lot of interesting researches have been conducted on the apple cider vinegar that will motivate you never to look down on it. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has gained global recognition due to its numerous remarkable health benefits, especially as it pertains to weight loss. Apart from aiding weight loss, ACV is currently in the limelight due to its effective tendency of regulating blood glucose levels and lipids, management of type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Having mentioned the above, the first question that will cross the mind of a layman is, what is an apple cider vinegar? Apple cider vinegar is a fermented juice that is extracted from crushed apples.
Several researchers have proven that the consumption of apple cider vinegar is effective for managing type 2 diabetes. Additionally, apple cider vinegar is also useful for treating diverse diseases such as weight loss, indigestion, muscle cramps, high cholesterol, arthritis, hayfever, eczema, constipation, dizziness, gallstone, asthma, ulcers, nosebleeds, stiff joints, colds, insomnia, headaches, bladder problems, diarrhoea, sore throats, candida, hiccups, colitis, osteoporosis, cold, cancer, nasal congestion and kidney stones. There are approximately 90 substances in apple cider vinegar such as aldehydes, ethyl acetates, ketones, carbolic acids and alcohols. ACV is also a rich constituent of Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Folic acid, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorous, Sulfur, Chlorogenic acid, Silicon, Chlorine, Magnesium, Fluorine, Niacin, Biotin, Sodium, Pantothenic acid, Acetic acid, Lactic acid, Copper, Amino acids, Malic acid, Iron and Propionic acid. It also contains roughage in the form of apple pectin and potash.
It is noteworthy that all ACV are not prepared in similar ways - while some are prepared traditionally, others are prepared commercially. The pH of ACV usually depends on the acetic acid concentration and this is ideally between 2 – 3.5. ACV can be produced by using the two-step fermentation process, which is characterised by the presence of acetic acid at a concentration level that is equal to or above 4%. At first, the yeasts ferment the sugars in the apples to form ethanol. Afterwards, this is fermented by acetic acid bacteria (AAB) to generate acetic acid. Based on the method of the second fermentation, ACV can be produced within 24 hours or can be left for months to years to ferment.
Watch this Short Clip on the Remarkable Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar!!!

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Edible Purposes
Apple cider vinegar is edible, thus can be consumed in drinks or meals. It can be sprinkled on salads, main meals and even mixed in water before drinking. There are several brands of ACV such as Fleischmann's, Eden, Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, Dynamic Health and Vitacost vinegar. Each of these brands has a varying concentration level of vinegar based on the production method.
Antihyperlipidemic Properties
Antihyperlipidemic or Hypolipidemic agents are types of pharmaceuticals that are used for treating lipids (high levels of fats) such as cholesterol in the blood (hyperlipidemia). The reduction of lipid concentration in blood through drugs therapy or food intake is linked with a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular disease. Apple cider vinegar is a home remedy with a significant antihyperlipidemic activity in HCD induced hyperlipidemia. The polyphenol content of apple cider vinegar such as chlorogenic acid allows it to inhibit LDL oxidation in the bloodstream. Also, the acetic acid reduces the serum triglyceride levels by promoting the exertion of triglycerides in faecal bile acid excretion and inhibiting lipogenesis.
Suitable for Varicosity Patients
Varicosity is a varicose condition whereby the veins of the legs are swollen and painful. This condition is as a result of the backward flow and issues in the circulation of the blood. As a result, the veins get distorted and get enlarged because of oedema. Some researchers examined the impact of external apple vinegar usage on the symptoms and social appearance anxiety of varicosity patients. The patients were evaluated based on symptoms such as oedema, pigmentation, weight feelings in the leg, cramps, itching, leg fatigue perception and pain. The study revealed that the external application of apple vinegar on varicosity patients is an effective conservative treatment.
Management of Type 2 Diabetes
Apple cider vinegar is effective for controlling the glycemic level of patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic related health conditions. Apple cider vinegar regulates the glucose levels by delaying the gastric emptying rate. The acetic acid in ACV also suppresses the disaccharidase activity and increases the glucose-6- phosphate levels in skeletal muscle. Apple cider vinegar is effective for the daily management of type 2 diabetes as it helps to lower the blood pressure, control hyperglycaemia, reduces blood lipids (PDF) and reduces cardiovascular disease risks through weight loss. Moreover, the polyphenol compound (chlorogenic acid) in ACV is believed to immensely contribute to the management of this condition.
Anti-fungal Properties
Some researchers evaluated the antifungal activity of Candida spp against apple cider vinegar. The results showed that apple cider vinegar possesses anti-fungal properties. Its antifungal power is as a result of the high amount of acetic acid and malic acid found in it.
Anti-obesity Effect
The anti-obesity effect of apple cider vinegar is due to its ability to induce fullness or satiety. This further applauds ACV’s ability to promote healthy weight maintenance.
Skin Care
The beta-carotene, which is an oxidizing agent found in organic apple cider vinegar is effective for keeping the skin free from wrinkles. Besides, the anti-inflammatory properties of ACV work help to alleviate the impacts of sunburned skin when added to a bathing water.
Weight Loss
There are several claims that apple cider vinegar is effective for weight loss. For a weight loss regime, the ACV is often mixed in water and taken consistently over a certain period of time for effective results. This is often accompanied by regular exercises.
Aids Digestion
The roughages, magnesium and fibre present in ACV make it suitable for promoting easy digestion of food.
Antibacterial Effect
The malic acid in apple cider vinegar is effective for tackling bacterial infection.
Regulation of Blood Pressure
The pectin in apple cider vinegar helps to regulate the blood pressure.
Correction of the pH Balance
Organic apple cider vinegar helps to correct the pH balance in the body.
Improves Memory
Apple cider vinegar is believed to be capable of improving the human memory.
Maintains Healthy Bones
The calcium and magnesium in ACV help to maintain healthy bones.
This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnostic and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition.
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