If yes, do you know the source of wheatgrass?
Are you aware of the importance of a daily inclusion of wheatgrass in your diets?
Did you know that wheatgrass can prevent and cure various chronic diseases without side effects?
Did you know that taking a squeezed wheatgrass every morning is a healthy way of kickstarting your body?
Meanwhile, a gentle reminder here is that it is highly recommended to have at least two ounces of wheatgrass juice daily.
It may interest you to know that one nourishing superfood notable for promoting an impeccable wellbeing, which has equally gained a global attraction is the wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is basically wheat that has germinated between six to ten days. In other words, the young grass of the common wheat plant is known as wheat grass. Wheat is botanically known as Triticum aestivum L. and it belongs to the family of Gramineae. Wheatgrass can be chewed, juiced or dried into powder form for human and animal consumption. It can also be consumed as a supplement, in tablet, capsule or pill form. Wheat Grass Juice (WGJ) is a juice extracted from the mature sprouts of wheat seeds. Researchers have attested that the wheatgrass juice is highly essential for our health due to its numerous health beneficial properties such as antioxidant properties, anti-ulcer activity, anti-cancer effects, anti-arthritic activity, anti-inflammatory and blood building effects in Thalassemia. Wheatgrass is beneficial for the detoxification of the body, boosting of the blood flow and for promoting an easy food digestion due to its high constituent of essential minerals and biologically active compounds. Besides, its antioxidant ability is as a result of the high bioflavonoids present in it. Examples of the bioflavonoids found in this grass include luteoline, amely choline, apigenin, indole compounds and quercitin.
Before you Read Further, Watch this Short Video Clip on the Amazing Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice!!!
Wheatgrass is a powerful detoxifier that is capable of destroying poisons and eradicating contaminants in the body. Studies reveal that the essential compounds found in wheatgrass offer protection against cancer-causing agents. One of such compounds is Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), which is an important enzyme that protects the body against the damage of reactive oxygen species (ROS), minimizes the effects of radiation and poisons in the body. Wheatgrass eradicates poisons, metals and free radicals that are stored away in the body's organs and tissues. It is an excellent source of phytonutrients, minerals, enzymes, protein, 17 amino acids, chlorophyll, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, sulphur and vitamins (A, B, C, E and K). This powerful grass is highly recommended for individuals suffering from disease conditions such as joint pains, diabetes, flatulence, asthma, constipation, bronchitis, sterility, obesity, insomnia, eczema, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, hypertension, Parkinson’s disease and haemorrhage.
Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice or Green Juice
- It reduces weakness/fatigue.
- It aids easy digestion of food.
- It exhibits efficient healing properties.
- The juice can be used for healing migraines.
- It detoxifies the body of unwanted substances.
- It reduces high blood pressure (hypertension).
- Wheatgrass juice is useful for preventing arthritis.
- The juice can be taken to decongest the sinus tracts.
- It suppresses appetite thereby aiding healthy weight.
- It is a powerful juice for preventing hair colouration (hair greying).
- Being antibacterial in nature, it is useful for cleansing the liver.
- Wheatgrass juice prevents constipation and aids easy bowel movement.
- Wheatgrass juice is a powerful mouthwash for tackling sore throats.
- It improves the body's metabolism thereby facilitating a healthy body.
- The superoxide dismutase in wheatgrass juice helps to slow down ageing.
- The chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice increases your haemoglobin production.
- It is a powerful juice for tackling active distal Ulcerative colitis (UC).
- The chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice helps to prevent the growth of bacteria.
- Wheatgrass juice neutralizes toxins and counteracts poisons/acids in the body.
- Drinking wheatgrass juice tackles skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema.
- It eradicates unwanted wastes that clog the blood, organs, cells and tissues.
- It is effective for treating and preventing diabetes as it cleanses liver toxicity.
- A regular consumption of wheatgrass juice keeps tooth decay and toothaches at bay.
- Wheatgrass juice is an energy booster as it instantly gets absorbed into the bloodstream.
- Due to its high constituent of chlorophyll, it eradicates blood disorders while enriching the blood.
- Wheatgrass juice is a rich constituent of magnesium, which is an essential mineral for your body and brain.
- Being a crude chlorophyll, wheatgrass juice can be consumed orally as a colon implant without harmful side effects.
- Wheatgrass juice is effective for dissolving the scars formed in the lungs as a result of inhalation of acidic gasses.
- Being a powerful blood purifying agent, wheatgrass juice is considered a useful drink for maintaining a healthy circulatory system.
- Wheatgrass aqueous extracts are excellent sources of antioxidants required for the eradication of free radicals from the body.
- Wheatgrass juice is a powerful blood purifier for cleansing and setting a female's reproductive system before getting pregnant.
- Pyorrhea (gum disease) can be prevented by taking wheatgrass juice. Alternatively, chew wheatgrass and spit out the pulp to tackle gum disease.
- Studies reveal that the wheatgrass juice is a potent drink for cancer patients, including those that have had a chemotherapy, operated upon or without any treatment. This is attributed to the fact that the laetrile (B17), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Selenium present in this grass destroys the cancer cells while the chlorophyll boosts the red blood cells and white blood cells count for quicker healing. Interestingly, wheatgrass juice does not affect the potency of a chemotherapy treatment.
Benefits of Wheatgrass
Edible Purposes
Wheatgrass is edible and can be consumed as a fresh vegetable, chewed, juiced, dried into a powdery form or taken as supplements.
Anti-arthritic Activity
Scientific studies have shown that the wheatgrass drink reduces the disease activity index of arthritis. As a result, the wheatgrass extract is a potent drink for arthritic patients.
Dermatological Care
Wheatgrass can be used for manufacturing ointments suitable for preventing and treating several skin diseases such as pimples, itchy skins, acne, eczema and abscesses. It can be squeezed and applied to wounds, cuts, boils, burns and bites.
Antioxidant Effect
Studies reveal that the aqueous extracts of wheatgrass are rich sources of antioxidants. The antioxidant effect of wheatgrass extracts was observed at several levels of inhibition of free radicals and protection from radical scavengers. Wheatgrass extracts contain remarkable quantities of phenolic compounds such as flavonoids.
Detoxifies the Digestive System
Wheatgrass juice detoxifies the walls of the colon thereby keeping the digestive system healthy. The process requires first giving an enema with Neem or lukewarm water. Then 20 minutes afterwards, 90 to 120 ml of wheatgrass juice enema is given. This should be kept in for at least 15 minutes. It is worthy to note that giving this enema is useful for tackling the disorders of the ulcerative colitis, mucous, bleeding piles, colon and chronic constipation.
N:B - Enema is the process of injecting fluid, drug or gas into the rectum so as to expel its contents.
Anti-inflammatory Activity
Wheatgrass juice possesses anti-inflammatory properties and as such, useful for healing wounds. It can be squeezed and used for treating several skin conditions such as cuts, bruises, ulcers, lesions and burns. The extract exercises its wound healing effects by stimulating the granulation tissue and epithelization. Granulation tissue is the new microscopic blood vessels and connective tissues that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process. Granulation tissue basically grows from the bottom of a wound and it is capable of filling the wounds of virtually any size.
Anticancer Effects
Wheatgrass is an anticancer agent due to its constituent of the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA). This hormone is 40 times more powerful especially within 4 hours of cutting the wheatgrass plant. A compound that is related to the hormone chorionic gonadotropin is present in cancer cells. Interestingly, this abscisic acid counteracts the effect of that hormone. A potent anticancer method adopts high alkalinity in the chemotherapy treatment and cancer cells usually surrender in a highly alkaline environment. Having a pH of approximately 7.4, the wheatgrass juice is considered a powerful remedy for dealing with cancer cells.
Moreover, some clinical studies carried out on human breast cancer have revealed that a synthetically produced chlorophyllin, which is a compound similar to chlorophyll is capable of diminishing the risk of breast cancer.
How to Prepare the Wheatgrass Juice
- Cut some fresh wheat grasses and wash thoroughly with clean water.
- Add the fresh wheat grasses immediately after cutting in a clean mortar, mixer or electric juicer.
- Then pound to crush the grasses very well.
- Wrap up the crushed wheat grasses in a clean thin piece of cloth.
- Gently strain the juice out of the crushed wheat grasses or alternatively use a strainer to extract the juice.
- Use the extracted wheat grass juice accordingly, preferably fresh and immediately after extraction.
N:B - An ideal wheatgrass treatment requires a daily intake of a small quantity of freshly juiced wheatgrass.
Interestingly, wheatgrass consumption is not harmful to the body in any amount. However, some possible minor side effects include constipation, appetite loss and nausea. Studies reveal that these side effects do not inflict any harm to the body. It is noteworthy that the right dosage of wheatgrass juice consumption depends on the consumer’s health status, age, symptoms etc.
This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnostic and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition.
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