It is originally from Africa and Asia and the name is gotten from the term murungai or muringa. Moringa is known to contain at least 13 different species that range in size from small herbs to giant trees. The most popular species is Moringa oleifera, which is originally from the foothills of the Himalayas in India before spreading to other parts of African countries. Also, another popular African species is Moringa stenopetala. Ethnobotanical studies reveal that the moringa roots are bitter in nature and are highly beneficial to the human race. It is also known as the drumstick tree, moonga, horseradish tree, mlonge, benzolive tree, kelor, marango, mulangay, ben oil tree or sajna. Moringa is highly medicinal and nutritional thus several studies have been carried out supporting its nutritional and medicinal properties. The Philippines regards the moringa tree as a mother’s best companion due to its ability to boost lactating mother’s milk production.
Most part of the moringa tree is edible for both human beings and farm animals. The leaves are an excellent source of β -carotene, amino acids, vitamin C, carotenoids, protein, vitamin B, minerals, vitamin A, phenolics, calcium and potassium. Different parts of the moringa tree such as the bark, leaves, flowers, roots, seed, pods and fruits can be used for medicinal and culinary purposes. The moringa plant is highly valued for its leaves, barks, stems, fruits and high-protein seeds. Moringa contains antihypertensive, diuretic, anti-tumour, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antidiabetic, anti-ulcer, emmenagogue, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-epileptic, hepatoprotective, antifungal, carminative, antibacterial and cholesterol-lowering properties thus the reasons why the plant is highly sought after.
Watch this Short Video on the Amazing Benefits of Moringa!!!
1. Cardiovascular Disease Treatment
Moringa contains a huge level of diuretic, lipid and blood pressure lowering properties that make the plant very useful for treating cardiovascular diseases. Almost every part of the moringa plant such as the seeds, roots, bark, flowers, pods, gum and leaves can be used for treating cardiovascular diseases.
2. Antipyretic Properties
The moringa seeds are antipyretic in nature thus can be used for treating patients suffering from such ailments.
3. Culinary Purposes
The moringa seeds can be pressed into oil known as ben oil, eaten fresh as peas or roasted.
4. Water Coagulant
Dry moringa seeds can be crushed and pressed into cakes that contain polypeptides. These polypeptides can be used as natural coagulants for water treatment.
5. Animal Grazing
The tropical and subtropical part of the world usually uses moringa as forage for livestock. Moreover, feeding cattles with high-protein moringa leaves helps to increase their weight gain and milk production.
6. Water Purification
The moringa seeds contain oil, which is high in oleic acid thus can be used for purifying water by settling out sediments and destroying unwanted organisms. Also, most rural villagers in Sudan use the crude seeds extract for treating Nile water instead of alum due to their belief that alum is capable of causing Alzheimer’s and gastrointestinal diseases. The Moringa seeds can also serve as antiseptic for treating drinking water.
7. Erosion Control
Some parts of the world cultivate the moringa tree for reducing soil erosion and controlling windbreak.
8. Malnutrition Eradication
Moringa trees can be used to control malnutrition, especially nursing animals and infants.
9. Cough Treatment
Moringa leaves and barks can be infused and used for treating cough and cold.
10. Epilepsy Treatment
Moringa extracts can be used for treating patients suffering from epilepsy.
11. Wound Treatment
Moringa is anti-bactericidal in nature thus can be used for treating infections and wounds.
12. Biodiesel
Moringa can be used as an oil-seed feed-stock for bio-diesel. Advantageously, the biofuel produced from moringa does not have any direct competition with food, as it produces both food and bio-fuel feed-stock (seeds) independently. Moreover, its bio-diesel has improved oxidative stability than bio-diesel made from most other feed-stocks.
13. Diuretic Properties
The leaves, roots, flowers, seeds and gum of the moringa tree have been shown to contain diuretic properties, which are capable of reducing blood pressure in human beings.
14. Cholesterol Level Control
Moringa leaves extracts can be used for reducing blood cholesterol in a human being and this is as a result of the presence of bioactive phytoconstituent such as sitosterol.
15. Antispasmodic Properties
Researchers reveal that the roots of moringa oleifera trees possess antispasmodic properties. This is a result of the presence of 4-
benzyl ] -o-methyl thiocarbamate
, and the process of calcium channel blockade. Its antispasmodic ability makes the moringa bark effective for treating diarrhoea.
16. Thyroid Hormone Regulation
The aqueous leaf extracts of moringa leaves possess antioxidant effect, thus can be used for regulating the thyroid hormone.
17. Nutritional Value
From time immemorial, moringa trees have been used to fight infants and nursing mothers malnutrition in the tropical and subtropical regions.
This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnostic and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition.
1. Devendra B.N., Srinivas N., Prasad V.S.S.L., Talluri and Swarna P. L. (2011), Antimicrobial Activity of Moringa Oleifera Lam, Leaf Extract, Against Selected Bacterial and Fungal Strains, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, vol 2/ issue 3. pp. 14.
2. Fahey J. W., (2005), Moringa oleifera: A Review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional, Therapeutic, and Prophylactic Properties. Part 1.
3. Pixabay and Google Image (2018), Images from Common Usage.
4. P Sudhir Kumar, Debasis Mishra, Goutam Ghosh, Chandra S. Panda (2010), Medicinal Uses and Pharmacological Properties of Moringa Oleifera, International Journal of Phytomedicine, Vol 2, No 3. pp. 210-213.
5. Suhartini S., Hidayat N. and Rosaliana E. (2012), Influence of powdered Moringa oleifera seeds and natural filter media on the characteristics of tapioca starch wastewater, International Journal Of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 2:12.
6. Ajilore, B.S., Atere, T.G., Oluogun, W.A. and Aderemi, V.A (2012), Protective Effects of Moringa oleifera Lam. on Cadmium-induced Liver and Kidney Damage in Male Wistar Rats, International Journal of Phytotherapy Research, vol. 2, Issue 3, pp.42-45
7. Inchulkar S. R., Ravishankar B., Pillai C.R.S. and Sharma J.M., Anthelmintic Activity of Moringa oleifera(lamk.), International Journal of Phytotherapy Research, pp.21-22.