From time immemorial, some women are faced with the difficulties of conception, which has pushed many of them into undergoing certain treatments both herbal and orthodox to get results but to no avail. But it appears that there is an easier approach for such women that are encountering difficulties in reproducing babies- Just eat a large portion of healthy breakfast everyday.

A study published by Prof Oren Froy from Hebrew University of Jerusalem published in the Journal of Clinical Science clearly shows that the amount of calories consumed on a daily basis is very important as well as the timing of the consumption. For more clarity to be ascertained regarding these claims, researchers investigated the impact of meal timing on women suffering from irregular menstruation as a result of Polycystic ovary syndrome.
This syndrome is hormone imbalance condition affecting women of reproductive age by causing insulin resistance as well as disorganizing their reproductive cycles. During the research, 60 women suffering from PCOS aged between 25 to 39 years were divided into two groups and permitted to consume at least up to 1800 calories a day. One group ate up to 980 calories of breakfast but on the other hand, the other group ate only their main meal of the day in the evening.

Interestingly, the women that ate big portion of breakfast in the morning started ovulating more regularly than their counterparts. Moreover, their fertility improved drastically and their insulin resistance level dropped. Again, the testosterone level of those that ate large breakfast dropped drastically while the other group that ate only dinner had their level remained the same. This study clearly points out the importance of eating a good portion of breakfast especially by women.
One thing is to eat a big breakfast, another is to ensure that it is balanced and healthy. That the women used for the research showed improvement in their health condition does not entail that they were eating a large bowl of one class of food (carbohydrate) early in the morning throughout the research period. Apparently,this wasn't the case and can't be, because researchers agree that for an individual to live healthy, must endeavor to eat at least from the six classes of food including 5-A-DAY (fruits & vegetables) for a healthier you.
What I like most about this post is that it is quite different from the typical everyday breakfast I have posted on this blog. I tried to cover the six classes of food just to point it out to you on the importance of ensuring that your breakfast is balanced especially women of reproductive age for a healthy body and ovaries. Talking about a balanced breakfast, sandwiches, muesli and potatoes belong to the carbohydrate class, eggs, muesli and milk are proteinous, tomatoes, muesli and olives contains minerals and nutrients, tea contains water.
Although I just made this food selection to show in this post, but it is totally up to you to select what you intend to have for breakfast but I encourage you to always ensure that whatever selection you make is completely balanced for quicker and better results.
Honestly, the combination of steamed-fry potatoes, fresh tomatoes, fresh olives, paired with slightly buttered sandwiches, boiled eggs, muesli and a cup of tea turned out a perfect pairing, making this meal a winner. I encourage everyone to eat healthy breakfast! More especially women to eat a big healthy breakfast to get your eggs fertilised.