Even though we've finally stepped into summer yet it's been a rainy and cold week here!!!
Yeeeaaaahhhh, summer has finally arrived but we are yet to experience its awesome packages for us. With the cloudy skies and dullish weather, all I have been craving for is just warm and hearty delicious dishes. While I was pondering on the ideal recipe to compliment this cloudy weather with, I overheard piyale pasta with curry vegetables sauce beckoning on me to give it a quick attention :D
Yes, I could hear the piyale pasta shouting out my name, Blessing, Blessingg, Blessinggg from the cupboard where I've left it for a while now. After much hesitations, I decided to heed to my special piyale pasta's call. But one thing is to heed to its call while the other is to ensure that all the necessary ingredients to compliment it are readily available.

Luckily for me, I had some turkey meat in the freezer, which I pulled out immediately. I looked around the kitchen and noticed that I still have some fresh vegetables
and vital spices
. Sooooo, no harm in coming up with a sauce recipe that can compliment my special piyale pasta.
BAM! I immediately turned on the cooker, boiled water then added the piyale pasta, salt and olive oil. I allowed it to cook for 5 mins before draining the water and setting the pasta aside in readiness for the curry vegetables sauce.

While the piyale pasta was cooking, I quickly steamed some specialty broccoli for 2 mins.
So here's what I have for the curry vegetables sauce ~ Chunks of turkey meat simmered with some sweet peppers, knorr cubes, onions, thyme, curry powder and salt in little water. I allowed the turkey meat to cook until softened before bringing the pot down from heat.

Afterwards, I slightly heated up few drops of olive oil, added a pinch of salt, some slices of sweet red and yellow pepper. I equally added some blended tomato sauce before adding the steamed specialty broccoli. This was followed by adding the cooked turkey meat and then allowing the sauce to simmer for a further 2 mins before bringing down from heat.

Serve the cooked piyale pasta with curry vegetables sauce and you will forever forget all your worries!!!
Not only was this dish super yummy, the recipe is pretty easy and doesn't require loads of ingredients. Tender piyale pasta paired with a thick and spicy vegetables sauce finished off with specialty broccoli.
This piyale pasta with curry vegetables sauce really kept me warm and excited as I ate it. Kudos to the aromatic flavours oozing out from the sauce.

The piyale pasta might not be your regular pasta, but why not try out something new. Pleaseeeeee, do it for me! You will definitely be happy you did!
Simple Recipe = Amazing Outcome. A special meal that I will definitely make over and over again.
I can assure you that this is a perfect dish to satisfy your cravings and quench your hunger. If you don't want to take my word for it, try it yourself!!!