Corn oil is utilized in the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, cosmetics industry, and biodiesel. Corn oil can be used for producing leather, creams, soap, salve, lubricants, varnish, resins, paint, inks, linoleum, textiles, fuels, plastics, insecticides and rustproofing for metal surfaces. Maize oil is considered a healthy oil due to its rich constituent of oleic acid and linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid required for human consumption so as to maintain a healthy body. Linoleic acid is essential for boosting the immune system, for maintaining a glowing skin, and for the synthesis of icosanoids. Researchers report that icosanoids are essential for promoting a healthy-functioning of the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, reproductive and renal system. Also, corn contains a vital chemical known as lectins, which are a group of proteins and glycoproteins that contribute to good health. Studies reveal that lectins exhibit anticancer properties thus useful as therapeutic agents for tackling cancer cell membranes or their receptors and inhibiting tumor growth.
Watch this clip on the amazing benefits of corn oil
Benefits of Corn Oil
Edible Purposes
Corn Oil is edible thus suitable for human consumption. It can be used for cooking assorted food, for dressing salad, for baking food products such as snacks, for processing foods and for producing consumables such as margarine. Refined corn oil is distinguished by its neutral flavour and it has a high smoking point thus capable of withstanding heat.
Reduction of Cholesterol Absorption
Corn oil is a powerful food oil for reducing the serum cholesterol. This is due to its low constituent of SFAs (saturated fats) that elevate the cholesterol level, and its high content of PUFAs (poly-unsaturated fatty acids) that reduce the cholesterol level. PUFA basically reduces the low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) which tends to promote the formation of fatty deposits in the arteries (atherogenic). PUFA exercises minimal impact on high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) hence offers protection against atherosclerosis. PUFA improves the ratio of LDL-C to HDL-C. The phytosterols found in corn oil is useful for lowering the cholesterol absorption and this is as a result of the unsaturated fatty acids. The polyunsaturated fatty acids regulate the blood cholesterol levels and reduce high blood pressure.
Hair Care
Corn oil is good for the hair as it locks water inside the hair when applied thereby making the hair stronger and protected against dryness. The corn oil promotes hair growth, nourishes the scalp, moisturizes the hair follicles, prevents hair dryness and hair loss.
Insecticidal Activity
Corn oil exhibits insecticidal activity because it can be used as a suffocating oil for interfering with the respiration of insects and eventually suffocating them.
This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnostic and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counseling, guidance, and treatment about a specific medical condition.
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