Waoh, this soup is such an amazing sight to behold.
At least, this will suppress the curiosity of most of my friends who confessed that they have not seen okra before in their lifetime. Honestly, okra with green vegetables soup is such a unique soup due to the high nutritional content of both okra and green vegetables. This green coloured with elongated ridged pods vegetable is a rich source of vitamin A, B6, C, Thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, magnesium, potassium, dietary fibre and folic acid. Okra is highly recommended in our dietary consumption due to it's rich nutritive content. Commendably, it's high folic content makes for a perfect vegetable intake for pregnant women.
Okra is a perfect ingredient to include in most dishes due to its nutritional value and different countries have different cuisines for okra examples; Southern United States fry okra coated with cornmeal/flour, Middle east regions use okra in preparing thick stew filled with meat and vegetables, Africans and Caribbeans widely use okra in making soup, while Asians popularly use okra in preparing bhindi ghosht and sambar.
Some studies suggest that okra possess some diuretic properties which makes it an effective remedy to manage diabetes. Moreover, it contains a high antioxidant properties which enhances the neutralization of free radicals thereby supporting healthy immune system.
Do not underestimate the power of okra with green vegetables soup!
But, much as I would cherish to lay emphasis on the nutritive value of okra, I have to move ahead and share the okra soup recipe. For a refreshing taste, you will need a whole lot of fresh okra with green vegetables for this soup preparation, so if you do have access to your local shop, then stock up on loads of these vegetables.

Don't think that cutting the okra and the green vegetables is a very tedious work to do...... Ensure you wash these vegetables very well before cutting to get rid of any germs and microorganisms.
Then slightly heat up redoil on a low heat.........

Once the oil is slightly heated, it is time to stir in the sliced onions and fresh tomatoes...

Fry for at least 5 mins before stirring in the okra......

Stir properly and allow to simmer for 3 mins before stirring in the corchorus leaves.

Afterwards, allow to simmer for 2 mins before pouring the already cooked meat into the soup.

Then add the shredded pumpkin leaves into the soup and allow to simmer for 1 min. You definitely don't want to overcook the vegetables thereby losing the nutritional contents.
And that's the palatable okra with green vegetables soup all ready to be dished out and enjoyed.
Lest I forget, this soup is relatively easy to cook with few drops of red oil to it which makes it absolutely colourful to behold with fantastic aroma.
Try preparing this delicious soup all by yourself.