Garnishing food with fresh fruits and herbs is one of the greatest things I enjoy doing. They really add great punch of flavors to whatever is in the making or is cooking. While I don't have any favorite herbs, nothing says MINTY like fresh MINT leaves! Yes, the mint leaves really paired up so well with the avocados and lime to form some really appetising avocado dip.
This easy homemade avocado dip is absolutely delicious, intensely flavorful and makes a perfect dip. If you have never tasted an avocado dip before, then I urge you to do yourself a favor and give it a try. I bet you that it is not disappointing at all and you can never imagine what you are missing until you've given this recipe a go. It might just tweak your sense of taste for good :D

Avocado dip is one of my favorite homemade spread cos I can use it as a substitute for butter or margarine. It pairs up very well with bread, snacks and even sweet corns. The good thing about this dip is that you can actually choose what ever ingredients you want to throw into the blender and then blend them up together with the avocado. So if you want the dip to be more spicy, hotty or flavorful then go ahead and add as much pepper and spices as you like.
This avocado dip came out so fresh, flavorful, light, delicious and tempting to taste. This avocado dip instantly caught my fancy since it kind of combines three of my favorite ingredients; avocado, mint leaves and lime. The dip perfectly fits the bill that you can easily enjoy it on its own with a spoon in situations you don't have any side dish to pair it up with.

With a side of sweet corns, this avocado dip turned out a winner!!! There is definitely nothing dulling about this combination and the taste is just spot on.
Besides, this is one of the simplest recipe in the sense that all you really need to do is to just pop everything into the blender and allow the blender to complete the remaining task for you. The only task you just need to accomplish is to get all the ingredients ready and then pop them into the blender to blend up very well ahead of what you want to use it for.
The recipe couldn't have been really easier than it turned out to be. Just combine and blend up everything together. That's it....

Again you can decide how the consistency of the dip will turn out to be. If you want the dip to be overly thick then add few drops of water while blending it otherwise add as much quantities of water as you like until you reach that consistency you so much desire. Just as simple as that and it can never get any simpler than this.

I can tell you for sure that avocado dip is among my favorite lists of dips or spreads because I love the avocado fruit right from childhood and I will continue loving this fruit till eternity :D
I have to admit that not all of the avocados actually made it the final mix because while I was popping them into the blender, I was busy by the side popping some into my mouth :D that's the good thing about being the chef!!!

The dip perfectly spreads well on my sandwiches, rolls and even pizza. Garnishing the dip with some slices of fresh mint leaves gave a flavorful minty savory mix that would make you want to use the dip on almost every food you eat. I think my favorite part of the entire combo is how the dip just melts away in my mouth....tasty, flavorful and aromatic.

Just go ahead and give this avocado dip a try and I bet you will love every bit of it. Besides, just feel free to share your comments and opinion in the comment section.
Loads of Love From Blessing