For my yesterday's breakfast, I knew I wanted to eat something crunchy, fresh and quickie, so I decided to go for this sweet orange granola.
Sweet orange granola is an ideal savoury option for breakfast! Yes, a perfect savoury quickie meal to start off the day so really gracefully with!
The only problem with this sweet orange granola recipe was the fact that I didn't had enough oranges left out in my kitchen as I would have loved to... but notwithstanding, the very few I had was a lil' bit enough to serve Iyke and I.

I usually pair my granolas with yoghurts, milk or cream, blueberries, strawberries etc but this time around, I decided to pair up the granolas with some really sweet oranges. Replacing the liquid companion (milk, yoghurt, cream) with some freshly squeezed orange juice was just the icing on the cake for this meal... A perfect option that is fresher and enticing indeed
Although I usually don't eat granola quite often but each time I do so, I always make sure I get the maximum satisfaction from it. This sweet orange granola turned out yummilicious, delicious and tempting!!! Even though I wanted to tweak it with some other fresh fruits such as blueberries, raspberries or strawberries but unfortunately, I ran out of these fruits so suddenly. Sooo just another quick reminder to visit the farmer's market asap.

I definitely will grab some of these wonderful fruits very soon and hopefully post another granola recipe with blueberries, raspberries or strawberries anytime soonish. But before then, I hope this sweet orange granola will satisfy your quest for a freshly and tastefully made quickie breakfast.
This breakfast meal couldn't have been quicker than it turned out to be - - - as you can easily get it ready within 3 minutes depending on your pace. So should I rephrase the title to "the quickest sweet orange granola recipe" or "3 minutes sweet orange granola recipe". Maybe!!!
But I suppose that whichever one is still perfectly brilliant because this is definitely one of the quickest recipe you can think of and it is also worth giving a try.

Apart from being a very quick option, both granolas and oranges are packed with numerous vitamins and nutrients that are highly beneficial to our health. So lets go down the way and understand some important reasons why both granolas and oranges are of great importance to our health.
Obviously, you might have been aware that oranges are among the most common fruits all over the world. Oranges are citrus fruits with orange-color and pulpy flesh and the juice helps to maintain good health and it is also an important part of an healthy breakfast.
Oranges can be sweet, bitter or sour in taste but I personally prefer going for the sweet options. Apart from orange juice, oranges can also be used for making marmalade, liqueurs or jam etc.
Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, calcium, vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin B-6, dietary fiber, beta-cryptoxanthin, potassium, lutein, flavonoids and pectin.
Regardless the high nutritive content of oranges, it is noteworthy that because it is a citrus fruit, it contains certain level of acidity with pH levels of approximately 2.9-4 thus should be consumed moderately at a time.

Granola on the other hand is a popular breakfast or daytime snacks! Granolas can be snacked on alone or paired with other fruits of choice. Granola is an excellent source of dietary fiber, magnesium, iron, calcium and protein.
Studies reveal that granola aids in easy digestion of food, builds and repairs our tissues and muscles, lowers high cholesterol level, reduces insomnia, reduces the risk of anemia, helps in weight loss, aids proper organ functioning, boosts our energy levels, and lowers heart disease risk.

I really loved the combination in this sweet orange granola recipe. It was sort of crunchy, tangy, yummy and soft ... Just perfect for quenching an early morning hunger.
So if you are satisfied with this quickie breakfast, why not give it a try.... Just a try, which is totally different from your usual yoghurt, cream or milk granola-pairing. No doubt you will love it!!!
Loads of Luv - Blessing