How often do you drink or use coconut water?
Are you aware of the amazing benefits of this nature's gift to us?
I believe you have answers to these few questions and ppppleeaaassseee, do not hesitate to share your responses with the globalfoodbook community in the "comment section".
Well, whatever is your response, I am happy to share with you some remarkable benefits we can derive from this amazing fruit known as coconut.
Coconut fruit is botanically known as a drupe and is remarkable for its great popularity all over the world. Yes, I doubt if there is any part of the continent that one cannot find coconut. But peradventure there is no coconut in your country, please simply indicate by raising up your thumb ? ☝
Maybe, someone from the globalfoodbook community can volunteer to come over to your country and plant some coconuts for you guys. Well, enough of the jokes now! ?
Coconut is edible and can serve different purposes ranging from edible, culinary, medicinal, cosmetology and traditional uses. Both the tree, leaves and drupe are very useful in one way or the other. And this is the reason why I refer to it as nature's gift to humanity. One unique characteristic of coconut is its constituent of large amount of water, which is popularly referred to as coconut water or coconut juice.

Coconut water is the clear liquid in a coconut and has been a popular drink in the tropical region such as Brazil, Southeast Asia,the Caribbean, India and Africa. It can be served fresh, tinned, canned, chilled or packaged. Recently, coconut water has been marketed as an energy or sports drink because of its high potassium and mineral content. It also contains low fat level, carbohydrates, and calories. Coconut water remains absolutely sterile unless the coconut has been damaged. Coconut water occurs naturally and is very rich in chloride, potassium, sodium and carbohydrate hence regarded as a hydrating beverage in the world. Clinically, this naturally occurring water can be used as an oral rehydration to replace loss fluid during vomiting and diarrhoea from gastrointestinal tract in patients.
Coconut water can also be used as an intravenous hydration fluid when medical saline is not obtainable and this has been used with success. It contains antioxidant properties which aid in neutralising reactive oxygen species due to exercises (Kalman et. al 2012).
Many people prefer natural alternatives to manufactured sports drinks because sports drinks contain fructose, electrolytes, maltodextrin, artificial flavours and sweeteners which can be detrimental to health. Even though water tends to be the solution for some individuals, however, sportsmen and women involved in longer duration exercise and sports bouts often require electrolytes and carbohydrate for replenishment of lost strength and nutrients hence these individuals are highly recommended coconut water.
Coconut water is low in fat hence is recommended for weight conscious individuals as one can drink as much as one wants without fear of weight gain and excessive foods cravings. It aids in digestion due to its hydrating properties. It is very low in sugar hence can help to prevent diabetes if one drinks it.
The anti-fungal and antiviral components of coconut water help prevent diseases and illnesses such as flu, herpes and viruses. This natural water helps to revitalise cells and promote good body metabolism due to the potassium and sodium constituents.

Kalman, D.S, Feldman, S., Krieger, D. R. and Bloomer R. J. (2012) Comparison of coconut Water and a Carbohydrate-electrolyte Sport Drink on Measures of Hydration and Physical Performance in Exercise-trained Men, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition9:1 p2.
Pixabay (2017), Images from Pixabay