This article titled - what do you know about Sage Salvia officinalis? is a good read for you and everybody around you. This is because it reveals some astonishing information you ought to be aware of about this distinctive herb.
To a larger extent, medicinal and aromatic plants have long been classified as part of the essential components of a comprehensive health care ever since the onset of human history. Amongst these important medicinal plants is the sage, which is botanically referred to as Salvia officinalis.
Before unravelling some of the astonishing benefits of the sage plant, it might interest you to have a little synopsis of what this plant is all about. Sage is originally from the Mediterranean region before spreading to the other parts of the world and it is of the family of Lamiaceae, which is widely known to be perennial in nature.
Sage is characteristically greenish in appearance with grayish looking sort of leaves that protrude from the stems. It grows approximately up to 75cm tall with unique veined, greenish-grey colored leaves that bear short spikes. Mature sage plants bear purplish-blue flowers, which are very tender and characteristically aromatic.
When you think of one of the ever longest medicinal and culinary herbs, think of sage because its usage has been reported to be dated back to several centuries ago. S. officinalis is also known as culinary sage, common sage, garden sage, broadleaf sage, kitchen sage, purple sage, golden sage, Dalmatian sage or true sage.
Sage (S. officinalis) has been classified as one of the most vital powerful and medicinal herbs that possess both pharmacological and biological properties. Studies also confirm that the presence of volatile oil in sage suggests the therapeutic abilities of this leaf. Some of the amazing benefits of this spectacular plant are detailed below.

29 Astonishing Benefits of Sage (Salvia officinalis)
1. Treatment of Hyperlipidemia
Studies reveal that sage leaves aqueous extracts can be used for treating hyperlipidemia, which is a health condition that is associated with elevated fat (lipid) levels in the blood. This health condition is inheritable and it leads to an increased risk of damaged blood vessels thus leading to heart disease and stroke.
2. Fertility Treatment
Sage has been recognised by several researchers as a fundamental plant for tackling fertility issues. The point is that the sage plants can be herbally prepared for and taken for boosting women's fertility.
3. Emmenagogue Properties
Studies reveal that sage belongs to the category of herbs known as emmenagogues. These herbs are distinguished by their ability to stimulate blood flow in the uterus and around the pelvic regions of women. Due to this unique character of these herbs, some women do use them for preventing pregnancy and for inducing abortion. Other emmenagogue herbs include; parsley, mugwort and chamomile.
4. Chemical components
Studies reveal that sage leaves contain numerous vital substances such as niacin, tannic acid, oleic acid, chlorogenic acid, ursonic acid, estrogenic properties, ursolic acid, fumaric acid, flavonoid glycosides, carnosol, carnosic acid, caffeic acid and flavones.
5. Healing properties of sage
The terms sage and salvia are obtained from the Latin word “salvere”, which connotes “to save”. This is attributive to its healing properties thus has been historically used as herbal medicines for treating ailments and diseases. Sage herbs have been historically used for treating wounds, localised skin, cuts and bruises due to its healing and anesthetic properties.
6. Treatment of Irregular Menstruation
Sage leaves contain oestrogenic properties thus can be used for treating amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and for regulating irregular menstrual cycles.
7. Treatment of Excessive Salivation
Sage can be used for preparing herbal medicines that reduce excessive salivation especially in patients suffering from Parkinson's disease.
8. Respiratory Ailments Treatment
Sage can be squeezed and boiled for the fumes to be inhaled. It is believed that inhaling the sage fumes helps to clear the respiratory tract and alleviate nasal discharge. Herbal concoctions of sage herbs can also be used for treating asthma, cough, sore throats and upper respiratory infections.
9. Gastrointestinal Tract Treatment
Sage leaves can be prepared herbally and used for treating gastrointestinal tract diseases. The leaves can also be chewed fresh and whole to relieve gastrointestinal pains.
10. Bleeding Control
Aqueous decoction of squeezed sage leaves can be applied on wounds, sprains, cuts and bruises to stop bleeding.
11. Rheumatism Treatment
Researchers reveal that sage herbs can be used for preparing herbal medicines that is used for treating rheumatism and arthritis pains.
12. Control of Excessive Menstrual Bleeding
Studies reveal that herbalists use this plant to stop and control excessive menstrual bleeding in women.
13. Nervous System Booster
Sage is a perfect herb for improving and boosting the nervous system.
14. Serves as a Tonic
Aqueous extract of sage can be taken as a tonic drink for stimulating a weakened stomach in order to aid digestion.
15. Relieve of Nervous Headache
Sage leaves can be infused and taken for relief of nervous headache.
16. Memory Boost
Studies reveal that Sage can be regularly taken to boost the functioning of human brain and to prevent memory loss.
17. Oral Infection Treatment
Aqueous sage leaves extracts can be used for treating mouth ulcers, dental abscesses, infected gums as well as for eradicating mouth odor.
18. Anti-hydrotic Ability
Sage leaves possess anti-hydrotic properties thus can be used for preventing and treating excessive night sweats in tuberculosis patients.
19. Diarrhea Treatment
Sage contains astringent properties thus an excellent source of tannin, which is vital for treating diarrhea.
20. Essential oil production
Common sage can be used for producing and distilling essential oil, which contains thujone, borneol and cineole.
21. Anti-inflammatory Properties
Sage contains rosmarinic acid, which suggests why it possess anti-inflammatory properties.
22. Ornamental Purposes
Sage can be planted around the house for beautifying the environment.
23. Aids Digestion
The essential oil of sage releases stimulating and carminative effect to aid easy digestion of food.
24. Helps During Menopause
Studies reveal that Sage leaves are very effective in reducing menopausal sweats in women of menopausal age.
25. Promotes Weaning Process
Breast-feeding mothers who want to wean their babies can take sage in order to reduce breast-milk production.
26. Treatment of Animal bites
Sage leaves can be squeezed and applied on insect bites in order to stop itching.
27. Culinary Purposes
Apart from curry leaves, thyme, parsley and rosemary, sage leaves are notably used for flavoring and seasoning food due to its aromatic slight-pepperish flavor.
28. Treatment of Vaginal Discharge
Sage leaves can be used for treating infectious vaginal discharge.
29. Potential Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease
Researchers are currently investigating the possibility of using sage in inventing new drugs that is capable of treating Alzheimer's disease.
Having read through all these astounding benefits of the sage leaves, it will be highly appreciated if you leave your opinion or ask related questions in the comment section. Every opinion counts!!!
This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnostic and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition.
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