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Every healthy food has its health benefits but not everyone appreciates them!We are surrounded by countless healthy foods but it is so disheartening that we often fail to tap into these nature's gifts to us. Have you adopted an unhealthy eating lifestyle? If yes, then it is high time you started making a U-TURN!But peradventure you are already on the healthy-food-bandwagon, my question to you is;

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This quote is circled around the importance of healthy eating. The more Healthier You Eat, the more Feat You earn.

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Healthy Eating

The healthier you Eat, the healthier You become.

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Life is too short

Life is too Short to Play around with what You Eat.

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Tell Me What You Eat

Tell me what You eat and I could possibly Estimate your lifespan.

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There are many Consumables out there but it is how you Consume them that makes a Difference.

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Famous Food Quote Of The Day

“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” -Julia Child

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Do You Cherish Your Life?This is a question I have asked myself and people around me and we strongly agreed that we cherish our lives. The main reason for asking this question is my zeal for promoting healthy living. Over the years, many stories have been unfolded about some individuals who assume that life is not worth living, hence pay very minimal attention to their lifestyles. This shouldn’t b

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Special info for you on a special day!!! Black beans and yam is a special dish you definitely need on a special day like this. And if you enjoy preparing your own meals, which I presume is the reason you are reading this post, then this recipe is a WIN WIN for you.

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Fried Bean Cakes (Akara)

You can sure quote me anytime, anywhere that these fried bean cakes (akara) are very easy to prepare, colourful and YUMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Milk Do you like milk? If yes, how often do you take it? If no, what are your reasons? Whatever may be the case, this post details some noteworthy facts about milk that you definitely need to know, including some milk benefits and side effects. Before we proceed, it might interest you to know that the past years have recorded an increasing alert on the importance of maintaining healthy nutrition

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Capture the amazing beauty of a sunny afternoon with a plate of delectable jollof egg noodles. With the luscious addition of some sweet peppers, fresh chives, black peppercorn, onions and a little bit of spices, this egg noodle dish cooked up really well for a delicious lunch.

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I love eating pistachio and I know you too do! Yes, I do, because it is distinctively tasty and delicious!!! But the questions are; why do we actually eat this tasteful nut and of what value is it to our health?  What happens when people try eating pistachios regularly? The fact still remains that oftentimes, we tend to eat certain food without considering the impact those food contents have on o

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Hass Avocado Are you concerned about your health status? Have you ever considered changing your diet for an healthier option? Are you considering including more fruits and vegetables in your diet as recommended by World Health Organisation? Whichever category you fall into, I urge you to take your time and read through this article as I unravel some reasons why you are doomed without avocado. Li

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Homemade Vegetarian Pizza

Homemade vegetarian pizza is always and will always remain every family's favorite and the interesting thing about pizza is that it is very easy to make that you can even indulge your kids to join you in the pizza making process.

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Crock-Pot Lunch Warmer

Crock-Pot CSC019 Lunch Warmer 600ml, Grey & Yellow 600ml capacity perfect for 1 person Travel secure lid and carry handle Plug in once you get to work and by lunchtime your warm lunch is ready Reheat your lunch in 2-3 hours Removable dishwasher-safe pot and detachable plug

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HFB 1: Healthy Eating

Most people think that healthy eating is about restricting dietary intake, skipping meals unnecessarily or being lean. Well, all these are far from it! Healthy eating is simply one's ability to make healthy choices towards food intake for energy, good health and maximum satisfaction. This podcast details some tips on maintaining healthy eating lifestyle as well as the importance of supporting loc

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Cured Beef & Avocado Toast Lunch

There's definitely nothing better than a refreshing lunch after a busy morning. This week, I bought some air-dried wafer thin beef. I first tried this when I lived in Italy. Typically served with plenty of lemon juice, it was the simplicity of the dish that was inspirational!

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Arroz Amarillo Yellow Rice

Arroz Amarillo yellow rice is a special rice dish, notable for it's characteristic yellow color. It is easy to prepare and super delicious. Garnishing this rice dish with some fried chicken is just a perfect combination.

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Give yourself a special treat with some delicious oven roasted chicken for your delight. It makes a perfect lunch or dinner! It is super delicious and easy to prepare, just give it a try!

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