Before you continue reading this post, watch this short video on how to boost your immunity against Covid-19
On 31st December 2019, the WHO Office in China was informed about the pneumonia of an undisclosed cause, which was discovered in Wuhan China. On 11th February 2020, WHO named the new coronavirus disease as COVID-19. Between December 2019 and now, this outbreak has been spreading like a wildfire. While conducting my research on this fast-spreading deadly virus, I came to understand that the world has always been inflicted by pandemics since time immemorial. Madhav et al. (2017) defined pandemics as large-scale outbreaks of infectious diseases that can potentially increase morbidity and mortality rate over a vast geographic region, and which can cause significant social, economic, and political chaos. Pandemics have been historical and disease outbreaks continue to increase in frequency, especially as a result of the increasing emergence of viral diseases from animals. Even in our contemporary age, there have been cases of disease outbreaks. Although not all outbreaks attain the pandemic level just as the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19) has done. What most people fail to understand is that as human beings multiply and spread across the globe, infectious diseases multiply and spread alongside. Going down the history line, Lepan (2020) did brilliantly by presenting the history of pandemics. The image below captures the names and the time frames of each pandemic that has inflicted humanity.

We can see from the historical breakdown of disease outbreaks that humans have suffered and continue to suffer from deadly diseases. But should we live like people without hopes? Hell No! Even though the world has been visited by this deadly virus COVID-19, it is still left for us to fight it back with all that we have. Of course, the human race is blessed with many nature's gifts from time immemorial, which we have been banking on and benefiting from all these past years.
Common signs of COVID-19 infection are breathing difficulties, respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, cough and fever. Also, the infection can cause the severe acute respiratory syndrome, pneumonia, kidney failure and even death in more severe cases.
While the increasing global coronavirus pandemonium is traumatizing and destabilizing the whole world, there is a great need for us to equip ourselves with the right approaches to escape from it. And this now brings the writer to the aim of this post - How do we boost our immune systems amidst the COVID-19 pandemic? According to Walsh (2018), the immune system is better structured to offer a powerful, multi-layered protection against potential attacks from pathogenic microorganisms such as viruses, fungi, protozoa, and bacteria. Now that the human race is plagued with coronavirus, how are our bodies' defence-mechanisms fighting it back? How powerful are our immune systems? Are there ways we can boost our immunity levels? These are the few questions thrown at us to answer. However, this post will focus on addressing the latter, which is;
How can we boost our immunity levels?
Studies reveal that several efforts have been channelled towards improving the human body's resistance to infections. Some examples of these concerted efforts are in the form of vaccines, promotion of hygiene, the use of pharmaceutical compounds and the use of antiseptic ingredients.
Here are some easy tips you can adopt to boost your immunity:
1. Intake of Vitamins
Vitamins are natural molecules useful for carrying out essential biochemical activities in the human body. Inadequate or non-consumption of vitamins can lead to several health conditions. Aslam et al. (2017) recommends a daily intake of vitamins due to their invaluable help in boosting the immune level of the body. Vitamins boost the immune system by strengthening the activities of the immune cells during any pathogenic attack. Fruits are rich sources of vitamins such as vitamin C, which is helpful in boosting the immune level. Although vitamin C has not been proven to prevent infections, yet its consumption is essential for minimizing the duration and severity of infections.
2. Create a psychological balance
Abdurachman and Herawati (2018) agree that creating a psychological balance is important for boosting the psychological well-being. Psychological well-being, on the other hand, can boost the human body immune responses thereby fostering resistance against diseases, including infectious diseases.
3. Regular Moderate Exercise
Regular moderate exercise boosts the immune system response as well as the production of the macrophages cells that attack bacteria (Ahmed, 2012). Studies reveal that there are physiological changes in the immune system as a result of exercise. During moderate exercise, the immune cells tend to circulate quickly through the body thereby being better positioned to tackle viruses and bacteria. It might interest you to know that the immune system basically goes back to normal within a few hours after completing an exercise. To benefit from exercise as an immune system booster, consistency is the key. However, intense exercise can be detrimental to the health of critically ill patients. This is attributed to the fact that the immune system is already burdened with fighting an infection hence, the additional task can impede recovery.
4. Eat Healthy Food
One of the foods considered effective for boosting the immune system is the mushroom. Mushrooms promote the functioning of the immune system by increasing the production of antiviral and other proteins released by the cells while protecting and repairing the tissues. Everyone requires the right amount of nutrients so as to generate adequate defensive mechanism against pathogens.
5. Self-hypnosis Boosts the Immune System
Stress greatly hinders the immune responses. Self-hypnosis is helpful for protecting against the detrimental impacts of stress on the immune system. Sulaiman (2014) defines self-hypnosis as a form of deep relaxation, which is different from sleeping. However, this type of relaxation happens in such a unique way that it does not allow a total loss of control. An individual undergoing self-hypnosis can still respond to the environment, sounds and any occurrences around. Usually, self-hypnosis is carried out by closing the eyes so as to encourage concentration and imagination. Although it can still be accomplished with the eyes being wide open. Researchers have revealed that the stress-relieving mechanism of self-hypnosis is helpful for protecting the immune system against the harsh effects of stress (Ward, 2001). So to combat stress, regularly indulge in self-hypnosis
In other to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, the World Health Organisation recommends the following;
1. Social distancing is an infection control approach aimed towards curtailing or inhibiting the spread of a contagious disease. The motive therein is to minimize the tendency of contact between infected individuals and non-infected persons. This is to hinder disease transference, morbidity and mortality. Social distancing is usually effectual when an infection transferrable through droplet contacts such as (coughing or sneezing), airborne transmission (when the pathogens can survive in the air for long periods), direct physical contact, including sexual contact and indirect physical contact (touching a contaminated surface).
Therefore, avoid any close contact with someone exhibiting the symptoms of respiratory illness such as sneezing and coughing. Avoid contact with vulnerable people. But if you can’t, endeavour to wear a mask.
2. Proper hygiene such as regular handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching the face, avoid touching your eyes, avoid touching your mouth, avoid touching your nose, covering your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing. Cover your cough and sneeze with the bend of your elbow. Always disinfect the surfaces you use regularly including phones, tablets, i-pads, laptops, computers etc.
3. Thorough Cooking of Animal products - It is no news that most people are so nonchalant with the ways they prepare animal products before consumption. While some people eat raw meats, eggs, others eat undone meats and eggs. It is highly recommended that all animal products be thoroughly cooked before consumption.
4. Stay at home if you feel unwell, and call your healthcare provider.

1. Abdurachman and Herawati, N. (2018), The Role Of Psychological Well-being In Boosting Immune Response: An Optimal Effort For Tackling Infection, African journal of infectious diseases, 12(1 Suppl), 54–61. https://doi.org/10.2101/Ajid.12v1S.7
2. Ahmed, E. T. (2012), Exercise and Immunity, Novel Physiotherapies, Vol. 2, Iss. 4.
3. Aslam, M., F., Majeed, S., Aslam, S. and Irfan, J. A. (2017), Vitamins: Key Role Players in Boosting Up Immune Response-A Mini Review, Vitam Miner, an open access journal, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, 1-8.
4. Lepan, N. (2020), Visualizing the History of Pandemics, accessed online
5. Madhav N, Oppenheim B, Gallivan M, et al. (2017), Pandemics: Risks, Impacts, and Mitigation. In: Jamison DT, Gelband H, Horton S, et al., editors. Disease Control Priorities: Improving Health and Reducing Poverty. 3rd edition. Washington (DC): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; 2017 Nov 27. Chapter 17. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK525302/ doi: 10.1596/978-1-4648-0527-1/pt5.ch17
6. Sulaiman, S. M. A. (2014), The Effectiveness of Self Hypnosis to Overcome Insomnia: A Case Study, International Journal of Psychological Studies, vol. 6, no. 1, 45-55.
7. Walsh, N. P. (2018), Recommendations to maintain immune health in athletes, European Journal of Sport Science, Vol. 18, No. 6, 820–831.
8. Ward, S. (2001), Self-hypnosis boosts immune system, Journal of Consult. Clinical Psychology, 69, 674–682.
9. WHO (2020), Rolling updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19), accessed online
10. WHO (2020), Coronavirus, accessed online
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