There is almost nothing better to complement your main meal such as white rice or spaghetti than a delicious, appetizing and freshly cooked aubergine stew. Still hot from the pot, garnished with some fired aubergines and fresh mint leaves, it can't really get any better than this.
I have been preparing tomato stew in the past and I just decided to tweak it a lil' bit with some aubergines for a change and I can say that it wasn't a bad decision at all.
For several years now, tomato stew has been on my favourite list but I then decided to complement it with some freshly fried aubergines and fresh mint leaves. The good thing about this recipe is that you can actually change up the type of ingredients or the flavour of the stew depending on what you really want.
This aubergine stew actually made quite a big batch but that wasn't a problem for me as I quickly scooped the leftovers into the freezer-plates and transferred them straight into the deep freezer so as to have them readily available anytime I need them.
But if you don't need a large portion of the stew, you can reduce the quantity of tomatoes and ingredients to use and the stew will still come out very delicious and appetizing too. I've done this couple of times now so whatever your choice may be, just go for it.

Give this aubergine stew a try and I promise you will find it really worthy.