Watch the video recipe of the Egusi Soup!
I am inspired to share this recipe in case someone like you is searching for a foolproof technique of cooking the egusi soup. My dear, if you are one of such people, I encourage you to search no further, because this is it. Whenever I crave for a soup I can feel good about eating, I usually end up with something appetizing, hearty, warm, rich and flavorful. If this is the first time you will be trying this egusi soup recipe, then you should be happy to have landed on this page because I have just shared with you a precious recipe you can never grow tired of replicating. Peradventure, you are just pondering or you have spent some time researching exactly what egusi is, then I will grant you the honours of highlighting that egusi is no other thing but melon seeds. Yes, you heard me right. Whatever the case is, egusi is some kind of protein-rich seeds of cucurbitaceous plants such as melon or squash, which after being dried and ground, is used for cooking an African soup cuisine. But if you think you have a better explanation of what egusi is, please don't hesitate to let me know, as I would love to hear a better definition. Well, to cut the long story short, here is a detailed article on what egusi is all about. A post I've previously written details what you need to know about this nature's gift as well as how you can benefit from it.