When you think of a refreshing, relaxing and yet a nutritious way of kick-starting your day, then think of a glass of freshly made fruits and vegetables smoothie. For sometimes now, I’ve been preparing lots of fruit smoothies and I can assure you that this is such an healthy eating option to adopt as part of 5-A-DAY since it keeps the body healthy, revived and energized.
Besides, smoothie recipes are quite easy to adopt and you can easily change up the quantity depending on the size you want as well as the ingredients according to your satisfaction.
No doubt I am so passionate about smoothies which suggests why I can go on almost everyday having them for breakfast without any complaints. Smoothies for sure are among my long lists of favorite breakfast treats and no doubt you might also have a soft spot for this nutritious drink. Apart from being nutritious, smoothie is also one of the easiest breakfast options you can imagine fixing up really quick for yourself and your loved ones.

For this fruits and vegetables smoothie, I added a little bit of honey for a bit of taste and flavour and it came out pretty delicious, yummilicious, flavourful and delightful. Honestly, all the ingredients; ice cubes, honey, grapes, bell peppers, clementines, spinach, banana, ginger and a mix of iceberg, carrot and red cabbage all paired up together within few minutes for such an amazing and ever-delightful smoothie.
What more to say than to urge you to grab some fresh fruits and vegetables, blend them up and then treat yourself to a perfectly made smoothie for your delight.
A winning nutritious drink for everyone including vegetarians, vegan and gluten-free peeps!

Like I mentioned earlier, I filled this smoothie with some collection of fresh fruits and vegetables of choice but you can change that up the way you want to. You can use whatever fruit or veggie you deem right and that shouldn't be an issue with this healthy breakfast treat.
I can assure you that this fruits and vegetables smoothie turned out super satisfying to the core while simultaneously providing my body with loads of healthy dietary fibers, minerals and nutrients.

Why not give this recipe a try as the ingredients combination is just superb and spot on. BTW, I’d love to know your thoughts about this recipe!
Feel free to share your opinions in the comment box and I hope you enjoy this smoothie!
Loads of Love from Blessing :D