Jollof Rice is a very palatable West African Rice recipe.
In Wolof language, it is referred to as Benachin.
Preparing this dish is not a difficult task as you can conveniently cook this in your house.
The basic ingredients required are rice, fresh tomatoes, concentrated tinned tomato, vegetable oil, onion, salt, red pepper, meat, spices and stock cube.

Blend the fresh tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic and ginger together and set aside.

Before I cook my jollof rice, I start by Parboiling the raw rice and then setting it aside.

The basic steps involve heating up vegetable oil to fry the sliced onions, tomatoes, pepper, adding stock.

This is followed by cooking the rice in the meat's broth with the tomato mixture so as to absorb all the liquid.
The tomatoes give the rice a characteristic colourful appearance which makes it very eye-catching and mouth-watering.
It can be served with salad, fried plantain, fried chicken, beef or fish.
In Wolof language, it is referred to as Benachin.
Preparing this dish is not a difficult task as you can conveniently cook this in your house.
The basic ingredients required are rice, fresh tomatoes, concentrated tinned tomato, vegetable oil, onion, salt, red pepper, meat, spices and stock cube.

Blend the fresh tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic and ginger together and set aside.

Before I cook my jollof rice, I start by Parboiling the raw rice and then setting it aside.

The basic steps involve heating up vegetable oil to fry the sliced onions, tomatoes, pepper, adding stock.

This is followed by cooking the rice in the meat's broth with the tomato mixture so as to absorb all the liquid.
The tomatoes give the rice a characteristic colourful appearance which makes it very eye-catching and mouth-watering.
It can be served with salad, fried plantain, fried chicken, beef or fish.