Enjoy the freshness and tastiness of freshly-made lettuce, raspberry, strawberry and lemon smoothie!
Too often due to our very tight busy schedules, we tend to deny our bodies of certain nutrients and vitamins they most require. By this I mean we sometimes fail to eat the much recommended 5-A-DAY i. e eating at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables in a day. WHO has laid much emphasis on the importance of ensuring that our bodies get all the necessary nutrients we need.

So how do you ensure that you comply with your 5-A-DAY plan? I basically think that the best option is to make some smoothies with some fresh fruits and vegetables if you haven't got the time to eat them one-at-a-time. By so doing, even if I am on the go, yet I get to eat my fruit and vegetables, all packed in a glass of smoothie.