I love smoothies, any type of smoothie will do, so far as it is tasty, I am happy to have it. I try to hold this "my love for smoothie" in high esteem because like the saying goes, the more fruits and veggies you eat, the healthier you become! I have no doubts that you will equally concur with me that incorporating fruits and veggies in our daily diets is essential for a healthy body. Besides, what's not to love about smoothies?
Smoothies are so tasty, nutritious and super refreshing to the body. Once you have ripe sweet fruits, there is no way your smoothie won't come out pleasant even in the absence of any other sweetener. Yes, smoothies are that good and that's the reason why my likeness for smoothies has snowballed.

My strategy for eating too much smoothie throughout the week is to stock up the fridge with assorted fruits and veggies every now and then. By stocking the fridge with fruits and veggies, I'm not talking about massive overstocking, but instead just a reasonable quantity of fruits and veggies to satisfy my body either for breakfast, lunch and dinner before I go to bed. This can range from a single-fruit smoothie, to a double-fruit smoothie, to a multiple-fruit smoothie, to fruits-veggies-additives smoothies, really just about any type of smoothie that keeps my tastebud excited.
The other day while shopping at the farmer's market, I noticed some fresh baby spinach staring at me and I decided that it was time to make some green smoothie. I know there are lots of peeps out there that dislike the idea of consuming fresh spinach. Honestly, I am not one of such people, because I've realised that as long as the spinach leaves are fresh and tender, they taste really great too. If you think that you can't eat fresh spinach leaves, then try incorporating them into smoothies with other fruits. Trust me, you will love it. The good news for spinach haters is that Blessing has come up with this amazing mango spinach smoothie recipe for you. Yes, this recipe is for you. So, you can now comfortably join us the "spinach lovers" to enjoy this amazing gorgeous green smoothie.
If life offers you some fresh spinach, mangoes, condensed milk, moringa powder and fresh whole milk, please do not hesitate to make a green smoothie out of 'em! Yes, you heard me right! For this mango spinach smoothie, I added all the ingredients together in a Vitamix blender and then processed them with all zealousness. I also added a bit of moringa powder to make a vibrant, healthy, and nutritious drink. I strongly believe that the spinach flavour was just mild so if that bothers you, fear thou not.
The combination of all the ingredients was just a perfect match. The moringa powder and spinach brightened up the greenish colour of the smoothie, the combo of mango and condensed milk helped add some creaminess, texture and awesome flavours, while the fresh whole milk helped to lighten up the consistency of the smoothie. Overall, all the ingredients paired up so well to yield a nicely balanced smoothie.
Let me also state this upfront - this recipe is not a strict type. In other words, you are free to skip some of the ingredients or use other alternatives, for example, you can use either maple syrup or other sweeteners in place of honey, you can use non-dairy milk in place of whole milk and you can adjust the quantities of the ingredients to suit your demand. But whatever you do, ensure that the core ingredients (mango, baby spinach and moringa powder) are not lacking. This is to ensure that you get that amazing result your tastebud and body dearly desires.
Like most smoothies, this mango spinach smoothie recipe is very versatile. Yes, this smoothie is super versatile and you can have it just about any time you might possibly imagine - be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. So, my dear friend, if you want to add more mangoes, go for it, more spinach, go ahead, more milk, why not? You won't be disappointed with this recipe and you will definitely want to have this smoothie more often. Trust me, this recipe is already on the list of my favourite smoothie recipes to make quite often.
Sometimes, it is good to give oneself a special treat! It is sometimes good to appetise ones tastebud and body with something ordinary from the regulars. Why not grab the basic ingredients, which this recipe requires. Then go ahead and whip up this tasty, mouthwatering, sumptuous, healthy and refreshing green smoothie and you will be glad you did. Grab the ingredients, head over to the kitchen and get started already! You can take your creativity and run with it!
Meanwhile, Watch this Video Recipe of Mango Spinach Smoothie!
Smoothies are so tasty, nutritious and super refreshing to the body. Once you have ripe sweet fruits, there is no way your smoothie won't come out pleasant even in the absence of any other sweetener. Yes, smoothies are that good and that's the reason why my likeness for smoothies has snowballed.