Sometimes just a refreshing glass of freshly made fruit smoothie is just all you need to fill up your empty stomach or better still to take as an appetizer on a full stomach.
Today, I found myself sipping a glass of freshly homemade strawberry and raspberry smoothie and I can assure you that it was such an heavenly moment to always remember.
Smoothies are pretty much easy to make as you can use any fruit or ingredient of choice to make for yourself a glass or some glasses of smoothie that perfectly suits your taste-buds and satisfaction.
Making strawberry and raspberry smoothie is very simple, nutritive, satisfying and so refreshing for a re-freshened YOU. Popping the strawberries and raspberries into a blender, coupled with few drops of maple syrup and water and then finally blending them, can't get any much better than that. It's quite easy, refreshing and awesome.
Basically, the main thing you need to do for this strawberry and raspberry smoothie recipe is to head over to the supermarket or farmers market to grab some packs of fresh strawberries and raspberries. I can assure you that the remaining task is just as good as done.