Right! What do you know about unleavened bread?
Do you know the reason for baking unleavened bread?
Do you find it interesting to eat or not?
How often do you eat it?
Well, sorry to keep bugging you with questions but I suppose these questions are all for good.
It is the feast of Passover and some people are getting ready for this festival while others are like ~ whaaatt are you talking about? What is Passover? You can read more about Passover here.
Oh, hang on! While some people are busy buying already-made matzos, others are busy making their own unleavened bread themselves.
So the question is, what is unleavened bread?
Unleavened bread is a special type of bread prepared basically without any leavening agents to commemorate the feast of Passover. Unleavened bread comes in various shapes and forms; while some people would prefer the bread to be flattened, others prefer various shapes but most importantly the bread mustn't contain yeast.

I am so choosy about my unleavened bread. Yes, I like unleavened bread especially when it is soft and tasteful but I realized that many versions are too dry and too hard for my liking. As a result, I make mine so that I can tweak the ingredients the way I want it.
I use a proportionate amount of butter and fresh milk to get the right texture I need and believe me, it works perfectly well for me. I also added condensed milk, salt and sugar to my unleavened bread too

When I talk of flat-breads, I don't mean the usual flat-breads that contain leaving agents such as baking soda and baking powder. rather flat-breads that are exclusively prepared without any leavening agent.
Unleavened bread is basically prepared during the feast of Passover to commemorate the biblical story of the Israelite's Exodus and the Israelites/Jews eat only unleavened bread during Passover. Matzo is a popular unleavened bread but you can make your own homemade unleavened bread.

My family enjoys the unleavened bread and it's been a family tradition to eat unleavened bread every year; the reason why I am already used to its preparation. I love the soft texture of my unleavened bread and you can never go wrong with giving it a try.

It is your choice to make the unleavened bread the way you prefer, either dry, soft or hard if it’s just how you want it but I highly recommend soft ones.

Bake the unleavened bread until slightly golden brown; you don't want it too brownish and dry so you need to keep your eyes on the bread.
Interestingly, these bread turned out very nicely exactly the way I want it. Follow the steps below to prepare yours.