Now that the feast of Passover is here, are you eager to try the unleavened bread recipe? Having received tons of requests regarding this recipe, I knew right away that I ought to do something asap so that we all can join in the celebration. I must confess that I'm so glad I did, knowing vividly that the detailed video illustration shown below will go a long way in helping you make the unleavened bread effortlessly. Therefore, I'm sharing a special but simple recipe from my dearest mum, a well-loved and amazing woman of substance notable for her unique cooking skills. Also, I feel honoured to share this recipe with my Israeli fans who have been demanding this recipe from me for sometimes now. There wasn't any way I was going to let this Passover festival elapse and not bake some fresh unleavened bread. No way, not at all..... Yes, these pieces of unleavened bread are just too perfect to ignore. I've made tons of unleavened bread in the past but I think this one topped them all.
Peradventure this is your first time or you have made this before, this is the time to make it from another dimension. Don't take my word for it, just try this recipe and you will be glad you did. Let me reiterate that this time around, the unleavened bread turned out perfectly perfect! These pieces of bread came out so soft, flavourful, tasty, wonderful and too good to ignore. There are usually many options for what to do with the unleavened bread. You can serve it with beverages, or as side-snacks, as a communion etc. They are equally perfect for snaking on especially now that everyone has been locked indoors due to the coronavirus. Interestingly, you can make them in large quantities and eat them throughout the festival period. Because there are no preservatives in this bread, don't store them for so long without freezing or refrigerating them.
With the key ingredients, a little bit of labour and few minutes pop in the oven until the bread bakes well and you've made for yourself some homemade unleavened bread. So many options, so feel free to tweak the recipe a bit and give it a try. But whatever you do, do not add yeast in there as that automatically negates the purpose of this recipe. As the name suggests, no leavening ingredients must be part of the baking process. What actually piqued my interest was the presence of the Vitamix blender. Vitamix really saved me the time and energy of making the dough, which I find really phenomenal. The brains behind this blender are simply iconic. But don't be discouraged to try this recipe even if you don't own a Vitamix blender! Simply get the necessary ingredients and knead them as usual or in a way that suits you. With the right ingredients, the rest of the recipe is pretty simple.
That's it really.
The finished unleavened bread came out so soft as you can see from the video, full of texture and taste. The condensed milk added some sweetness and I'm okay with the taste. I don't normally add sugar in my food hence the reason for using the condensed milk in this recipe. Also, the coconut oil added a unique flavour and taste to the bread. The vanilla flavour wasn't very pronounced but just did its bit. So some pieces of this unleavened bread for breakfast, afternoon snack or after dinner snack, is satisfying and fulfilling. Delicious on their own, or with a bowl of custard, yoghurt or chilled drink. Feel free to try this out on your own and you will find it amazing!.
Before you proceed further, watch this short video on how to make the unleavened bread!
Peradventure this is your first time or you have made this before, this is the time to make it from another dimension. Don't take my word for it, just try this recipe and you will be glad you did. Let me reiterate that this time around, the unleavened bread turned out perfectly perfect! These pieces of bread came out so soft, flavourful, tasty, wonderful and too good to ignore. There are usually many options for what to do with the unleavened bread. You can serve it with beverages, or as side-snacks, as a communion etc. They are equally perfect for snaking on especially now that everyone has been locked indoors due to the coronavirus. Interestingly, you can make them in large quantities and eat them throughout the festival period. Because there are no preservatives in this bread, don't store them for so long without freezing or refrigerating them.

That's it really.