Here's a Quick Video on How to Bake Unleavened Flat Bread!!!
Feast of passover is a yearly tradition for the Jewish people to commemorate their liberation from Pharoah in the land of Egypt by God. This festival normally takes place on the 15th day of the month of Nisan, which falls either in March or April of the Roman calendar year.
The feast of passover normally lasts for seven days with the eight day being a holy high day sabbath.
As part of the requirements for this festival, no leavened bread or leavened food products such as biscuits, breads etc must be consumed for the entire festival days. As a result, only unleavened breads and unleavened food products are to be eaten.
To mark this year's eight-day festival of passover, I am ecstatic to share this special unleavened flat bread recipe with you. Although I have an existing unleavened bread recipe on this blog, but I think this particular one is very unique and preferably more enticing than the initial.
This particular unleavened flat bread recipe has joined my bandwagon list of favorite bread recipes. Even though there is no leavening agent in this bread yet it turned out quite soft, delicious and tempting to eat more! It perfectly serves the purpose of a leavened bread as well. So for those people that are always conscious of how they are going to miss bread for a whole week, don't worry because this particular unleavened bread will serve you same purpose.
Even if you are not celebrating the feast of passover, I really think this type of bread will really interest you because it tastes very unique and nice.
I think I do need to make this bread more often. Yes I do, because I'm a big fan of soft, moist, tasty, flavourful and rich bread and this unleavened flat bread perfectly fits the bill. This unleavened flat bread recipe is the latest addition to my unleavened bread recipe collection and it is a no brainer!
The breads are enveloped by honeee-y and milk-y goodness from the honey and milk that combine brilliantly well with the plain flour, egg, sugar and butter to yield some sumptuous, hearty, chewy and yummilicious unleavened breads.
The brown sugar contributed some sweetness while the butter gave the breads the desired tender soft texture I so desire.
Yes! these unleavened flat breads are really soft and moist as a result of the good quantity of butter and milk I added. Honestly, I think the ingredients are the perfect combination for an amazing outcome!
Interestingly, the recipe is pretty simple and anyone can easily whip up the ingredients together for a soft dough, roll out the dough as desired and then allow the oven to put some finishing touches on the bread :D

Enjoy your passover celebration even as you treat yourself, family and friends with these spectacular homemade unleavened flat breads. Just head over to the supermarket or your nearby shop, grab the required ingredients
, then bake for your household some really nice breads for the festival.
To learn more about the feast of passover, check out this article "the feast of passover and the seder meal" or visit
If you like my recipe, or have any comments, don't hesitate to drop your message on the comment section! Every opinion counts!!!
One Love ? Blessing