About 20 results found.


Buckwheat Seeds Even though our health conditions are highly dependent on the type of food we consume, yet it is just disheartening that we oftentimes pay less attention to what we eat. While some foods are highly nutritious and essential for the healthy functioning of our bodies, others are not.Even though most of these essential healthy foods are quite affordable, yet we sometimes prefer to go

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Every healthy food has its health benefits but not everyone appreciates them!We are surrounded by countless healthy foods but it is so disheartening that we often fail to tap into these nature's gifts to us. Have you adopted an unhealthy eating lifestyle? If yes, then it is high time you started making a U-TURN!But peradventure you are already on the healthy-food-bandwagon, my question to you is;

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Life is too short

Life is too Short to Play around with what You Eat.

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Tell Me What You Eat

Tell me what You eat and I could possibly Estimate your lifespan.

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Healthy Eating

The healthier you Eat, the healthier You become.

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There are many Consumables out there but it is how you Consume them that makes a Difference.

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 [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO9PNYEgs1U[/embed]I can now confidently say that I am amazingly excited that I will henceforth be using Canon EOS 6D for my food photography. I just unboxed the Canon EOS 6D Camera and I am ecstatic.Ooh la la I am mmmmmm................. as in seriously dancing!Ask me why?Well, because I am finally unboxing my Canon EOS 6d. Yes, Yes, Yes!Sorry that I a

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Famous Food Quote Of The Day

“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” -Julia Child

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I like honey and I know most people do!The big question is; why do people like honey? Could it be as a result of its sweetness, its medicinal benefits or for any other reason? Well, let's find out...Watch this short video on how to make Honey & Cinnamon Tea!Honey as popularly known, is a sweet bees-producing food made from flower's nectars. The most common bees-producing honey is of the genus

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Due to the increasing awareness that is drawn towards the consumption of phytochemical compounds, the intake of maize has recently gained attention for studies. Maize is considered a healthy food because of its high constituent of phytochemicals and essential nutrients. Resistant starch from maize or high-amylose maize exhibits several health beneficial effects. Due to the numerous health benefits of maize, its inclusion in our daily diets is highly recommended. Moreover, the increasing population continues to increase the demand for more food production. Apart from satisfying the incessant demand for food, maize has been proven to meet up with both our nutritional, pharmaceutical, therapeutic, economic, medical and industrial demands.

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Soy Flower Over the past years, several arguments have been raised regarding the impacts of soy consumption on health. While some studies attribute numerous benefits to soy, some others give contradicting opinions over this popular leguminous crop. Although everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion yet it is left for us to decipher what we really want for ourselves.This article titled "disc

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This quote is circled around the importance of healthy eating. The more Healthier You Eat, the more Feat You earn.

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Fried Bean Cakes (Akara)

You can sure quote me anytime, anywhere that these fried bean cakes (akara) are very easy to prepare, colourful and YUMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Peanuts botanically known as Arachis hypogaea belongs to the species of legume of the Fabaceae family (Feng et., al 2012). It is an annual plant growing approximately 30 to 50 cm tall which originated from Paraguay. They are known with other names such as ground nuts, monkey nuts or pygmy nuts.According to the Peanut Institute, peanuts are rich sources of vitamin E, niacin, copper, phosphorus magn

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Cake Recipes & Cupcake Recipes

Cake Recipes & Cupcake Recipes Cake Recipes & Cupcake Recipes is a brand new app packed full of delicious, quick and easy recipes! Featuring Various Cake recipes all with easy video instructions, Cupcake recipes with step by step video tutorials. Also added are low fat Cake recipes so you don't have to always feel guilty! With enough Cake and Cupcake recipes to keep you busy baking and the 50% off discount, you should jump in and get this app right now!

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125 Best Indoor Grill Recipes

125 Best Indoor Grill Recipes is a great book comprising of appetising recipes that work anytime. You can find recipes for dishes such as; Blackened Red Fish -- the sizzling southern flavor of New Orleans Greek-inspired Beef Souvlaki with Tzaziki Sauce Cilantro Lime Chicken Caesar Burger - Caesar Salad crossed with a hamburger Portobello Mushroom Burger -- the ultimate in vegetarian cuisine Three Meat Panini with Provolone -- a simple sandwich taken to new heights Shrimp Satay Southern Fried Chicken

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HFB 2: Greek Vegan Recipes With Kiki

Welcome to the second episode of this podcast. Blessing from www.globalfoodbook.com and Krystina from www.kouzounaskitchen.com are joined today by Kiki from www.thegreekvegan.com. In this podcast we discussed about traditional vegan meatless, diary-free and assorted food recipes which can be written, prepared, passed on and shared amongst everybody.

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Hi my lovely readers, I am just glad to share with you some easy steps on how to start yumming recipes from this blog. You probably may have heard of Yummly before or not but its a pleasure to let you know that this is a great platform launched in 2010 that contains gazillions of mouthwatering recipes from all over the world. Interestingly, it is also super easy to use and Yum all your favorite re

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Homemade Vegetarian Pizza

Homemade vegetarian pizza is always and will always remain every family's favorite and the interesting thing about pizza is that it is very easy to make that you can even indulge your kids to join you in the pizza making process.

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Creative Recipes for Wines

Making Your Own Wine at Home: Creative Recipes for Making Grape, Fruit, and Herb Wines Easy ways to make delicious wine at home •    Seasonal recipes for grapes, fruit, flowers, and herbs •    Essential winemaking techniques •    Basic terminology, tools, ingredients, and equipment •    Tips for serving and enjoying wine  

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