About 20 results found.

Life is too short

Life is too Short to Play around with what You Eat.

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Tell Me What You Eat

Tell me what You eat and I could possibly Estimate your lifespan.

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Healthy Eating

The healthier you Eat, the healthier You become.

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There are many Consumables out there but it is how you Consume them that makes a Difference.

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This quote is circled around the importance of healthy eating. The more Healthier You Eat, the more Feat You earn.

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Every healthy food has its health benefits but not everyone appreciates them!We are surrounded by countless healthy foods but it is so disheartening that we often fail to tap into these nature's gifts to us. Have you adopted an unhealthy eating lifestyle? If yes, then it is high time you started making a U-TURN!But peradventure you are already on the healthy-food-bandwagon, my question to you is;

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Due to the increasing awareness that is drawn towards the consumption of phytochemical compounds, the intake of maize has recently gained attention for studies. Maize is considered a healthy food because of its high constituent of phytochemicals and essential nutrients. Resistant starch from maize or high-amylose maize exhibits several health beneficial effects. Due to the numerous health benefits of maize, its inclusion in our daily diets is highly recommended. Moreover, the increasing population continues to increase the demand for more food production. Apart from satisfying the incessant demand for food, maize has been proven to meet up with both our nutritional, pharmaceutical, therapeutic, economic, medical and industrial demands.

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Famous Food Quote Of The Day

“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” -Julia Child

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Growing up, my dearest mummy won't cook egusi melon soup without adding osu (truffle). The amazing taste and texture osu adds to soup is just remarkable and as such, it became an ingredient we never wanted to miss out in certain dishes especially egusi soup.While my family and I were busy enjoying the delectable flavor and texture this priceless jewel offers, scientists and researchers were equall

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Baked Vegetables With Parmesan Cheese

Baked vegetables with parmesan cheese is a very simple recipe to prepare, but most people will find it time consuming to gather and cut all of the required vegetables. The necessary ingredients include aubergine (eggplant), parmesan cheese, sweetcorn, mushroom, onions and bell peppers

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Roasted Sweet Corn

Roasted sweet corn is so deliciously Yummylicious especially when roasted together with the outer leaves and its husk. This helps to retain it's freshness thereby giving the corn such a juicy aroma.

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Fried Bean Cakes (Akara)

You can sure quote me anytime, anywhere that these fried bean cakes (akara) are very easy to prepare, colourful and YUMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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See the ingredient list and recipe to try this instant pot whole chicken. You will come back later to thank Blessing simply because you will never be disappointed. That I can assure you for sure! This instant pot whole chicken came out so well that my hubby kept screaming --- "Blessing, this chicken is so nice, mmmmmmmm, this is really nice".

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I enjoy my weekends because it is the period of the week I have time to relax with my family and do so many things for myself as well as have fun. I believe everyone does the same except for those that usually work over the weekends or have some demanding schedules for the weekend.This weekend, I have decided to prepare a special dish..... {Beetroot Fried Rice}. The main ingredients are rice, beet

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Spice up your taste buds and try this breadfruit porridge recipe. The finished product is such a delectable dish you can't afford to miss. Give it a try and I bet you will love 'em......

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Homemade Vegetarian Pizza

Homemade vegetarian pizza is always and will always remain every family's favorite and the interesting thing about pizza is that it is very easy to make that you can even indulge your kids to join you in the pizza making process.

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Tomato stew is a very delicious delicacy that can be served with boiled rice or pasta.

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Female animals of various species such as fish, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and birds are created to lay eggs which are eaten by human beings.Bird and reptile eggs consist of a protective shell, albumen (egg white), and vitellus (egg yolk) and the most type of consumed eggs are chicken, turkey, fish and duck. Eggs are one of the most versatile ingredients used in cooking (Kumaravel et., al. 2012)

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Kateh Recipe

Kateh recipe is a great rice recipe you can always go for. It's easy to make, fun to eat, healthy and very delicious. The main ingredient for preparing kateh is rice and the dish is considered the most simplest rice recipe due to it's ease of preparation.

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Caesar salad is one of the easiest dishes to make. In as much as you have the necessary ingredients, you are just good to go. This is just an awesome salad that is packed with parmesan cheese! If there is an ingredient I won't skip in a caesar salad, it is the parmesan cheese.

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