Grilled Steak With Yoghurt Cream is such a super delicious dish, easy to prepare and just perfect for a quickie dinner especially after a long working day. It's finally cold around here and winter is just right around the corner and I am just getting ready for it. What says cold dinner better than quickie beef steaks on the grill?
Not ready for this though, but my hubby chose this meal for tonight and I did obliged. Well, I popped into the nearest supermarket, grabbed beef steaks, cucumber, honey yoghurt, fresh tomatoes and mushroom and headed straight to the kitchen for a quick and easy grilled steak with youghurt cream to go with it. The only thing else that was needed was a bottle of red wine and dinner was served. Most times simple is just the best............

I love youghurt and most times I mix it with some vegetables for cream used on basically everything. I just enjoy topping my meals with creams or sauces. It is so easy to make, just get a fresh youghurt, thinly dice cucumbers and add together. Then sprinkle with chives and whip together and it adds some nice flavor to steaks or any other dish you can think of. It is so easy and it requires most of the ingredients I usually have in my kitchen.
I also enjoy grilling pitta bread and vegetables....... Infact the sight of them being grilled, makes my mouth go watering....

Try out this recipe and I bet you won't be bothered about what to fix for your family dinner. It is super yummy, appetising and absolutely easy.