I am a big fan of salmon fish.... Ask me why? It could be as a result of its distinctive taste or possibly due to its immense health benefits, but which ever reason, salmon is just the best fish for me. Don't get me wrong, the fact that I love salmon doesn't make me a hater of other fish species, infact I prefer eating more fish than meat because fish is more healthier. For this recipe, I decided to steam the salmon before finally placing it in the oven. This method of preparation gives the salmon fish a very palatable taste.

After steaming the salmon, add it with vegetables in a foil pan, sprinkle with vegetable oil and then cover with foil. Afterwards place in an oven for the final cooking.

Salmon is such type of fish that you can never get tired of consuming because it is uniquely delicious, healthy and without aweful fishy smell. In terms of adoring salmon, my hubby takes the kudos. He dearly likes salmon and this likeness gets him overly ecstatic each time I buy salmon from the supermarket. But can I tell you what happened a couple of days ago?
I came back home and realised there was a sealed bag on top of the kitchen sink just waiting for me to unpack as usual. Guess what.... my hubby was at it again.... It was salmon fish, very colourful and quite enticing. Well, I decided to prepare the salmon with the easiest but yet a very palatable recipe. I will keep preparing salmon dish from time to time and I encourage everyone to try out salmon fish which I bet you will always enjoy.
Health Benefits of Salmon
Salmon is generally categorised as an oily fish that is rich in phosphorus, Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, calcium, selenium, iron, vitamins A, B and D.
The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in salmon inhibits the onset of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and heart attack, thus very ideal for our heart.
Salmon fish contains omega-3 fatty acids which makes it a great remedy for eye-related ailments.
Omega-3 fatty acid improves our memory and the working capacity of the human brain.
Salmon contains a natural sedative known as tryptophan which helps individuals with sleeping disorders to sleep very well.
The presence of calcitonin in salmon facilitates the improvment of human bone density which greatly minimises bones and joints diseases such as osteoarthritis.
salmon can be prepared in several ways such as smoking, poaching, roasting or grilling but I can assure you that regardless of whichever method you chose to prepare your salmon, it will still come out super delicious. For this recipe, I decided to make poached salmon with vegetables to garnish it.