The day I had lunch with my friends at an Indian restaurant, we quite enjoyed the MASALA sauce used on the chicken dish.
The sauce is a vital component of many Indian dishes thus very essential to make reasonable quantity so as to save time ahead of any food preparation.
The basic ingredients for a colorful masala sauce are fresh tomatoes and cayenne peppers.

Spices such as cinnamon, onions, ginger and garlic are also important for a tasty masala.

All the enlisted ingredients are then blended together to form a smooth paste before frying.

Moreover, the cayenne pepper and tomatoes are blended together and fried together with the ingredients.

Once the ingredients have been properly blended, then it is time for the main task...... Masala sauce frying!
Basically it is recommended to use a low heat in frying so as to prevent the sauce from getting burnt.
Also ensure to stir frequently for at least 15 mins or until the oil separates from the masala.
Masala sauce can be stored in the fridge with air tight containers for use at any time.
Nevertheless, for people that find it difficult to make this sauce, relax as you can find already made MASALA in supermarkets.