Recipes like this watermelon and banana sorbet is the reason I love making desserts. Yes, after a hot sunny days of hard working, nothing would definitely feel more refreshing and satisfying than some pinch of freshly homemade sorbets.
A couple of weeks ago, I shared a watermelon recipe, which turned out very great but I admit that this watermelon and banana sorbet may have excelled it. There is definitely no need to carry out a side by side taste check to know which is better cos for sure, the combination of ripe bananas, watermelon and sweet maple syrup drops made a really fantastic sorbet for everyone's delight.

But I am not denying that the previous watermelon recipe is not delicious {Never ?} cos each of the recipes and desserts are perfectly good on their own and makes an amazing desserts you can ever imagine. Whatever the case, both desserts are fantastic and refreshing.
One major difference is that this sorbet contains more than one sweet major fruit (watermelon and banana) while the initial one had only watermelon. The finished sorbet was so soft that I wouldn't have been able to say that there were two fruits in it.
Honestly, this watermelon and banana sorbet would be perfect for anything healthy dessert you would have normally gone to your nearest grocery store to grab.
It actually made a perfect dessert I've had to date, freeeeezzziiing up sparklingly reddish sorbet that made me almost sucked them all up before the recipe's photographs were finally taken.
Interestingly, the sorbets disappeared so fast, because Iyke couldn't spare them few more times to exist on the surface of the earth ? ? ? ? ?. They took less time to found themselves dazzling and jumping up and down in the stomach, which for truth is their main final destination.
Watermelon and banana sorbet is just tantalizing, refreshing, satisfying and sooo coooollliingg to the nerves. Besides, sorbets are known to be richly filled with high nutrients that are beneficial to human health. For example, watermelon is richly packed with essential nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, dietary fiber, iron, potassium and magnesium while banana on the other hand is an excellent source of vitamin B6, magnesium, vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium, iron and carbohydrate.
So, you see why this particular sorbet is an excellent source of antioxidants and energy needed to kick-start our daily activities. Besides, all these nutrients are highly recommended for the healthy functioning of our body systems for a healthier US.
It blended up so smooth like a cream and froze perfectly well to satisfaction. I do have problems with homemade sorbets freezing up evenly as at when I need them but not with this particular sorbet. This is because I popped them straight right into the freezer the moment I finished making them and afterwards, I went out on my daily business only for me to return back to some nicely and tempting frozen sorbets for my delight!
Just to whisper ?? to you the easiest technique of getting your sorbets ready as at when you need them, just blend-up all the fruit and ingredients you want until they are properly mixed together, then pour into containers, which you then pop into the freezer for an overnight evolution into a delectable dessert.
But for this recipe, I decided to pour back the blended mixture into the watermelon deep-cut bowl. I then placed it upright in the freezer ensuring that it is supported by something, so that the watermelon bowl doesn't trip over and splash away my sorbet. So by the time I needed them, the sorbets were ready to be enjoyed by anyone who cares.
Just as simple as that!
You can say that sorbets are a brilliant way of combining fresh fruit or selection of more than one fruit to make a fantastic finished dessert that is so deserving to the body and nerves for a re-freshened YOU.
Although some recipes demand adding sugar to sorbets, but I prefer making mine more natural to suit everyone including the diabetic patients. So I prefer using either honey or maple syrups for super amazing tastes.

I urge you to try this recipe at home and I bet you will love it.
XOXO Blessing ?