Today we are excited to feature a special recipe from a fellow blogger Sally who blogs over at
sallyintp.blogspot. This is a Taiwan made banana muffins prepared specially with banana. They are very nutritious, easy-to-make, delicious and make a perfect breakfast for everyone.
The banana muffins taste perfectly as they look - they are good enough to be prepared in large quantities and stored in an airtight container to be eaten at anytime of the day. It is totally optional to add walnuts to add some special flavor to the muffins but this is totally up to the maker to decide.

Once you have the necessary ingredients for baking your banana muffins such as eggs, banana, flour, butter etc, then you mix the eggs, sugar and melted butter together in a mixing bowl. This is followed by sifting in the flour and baking soda into the mixture before mixing thoroughly to form a batter.

Continue to stir the mixture to form a soft batter as shown in the picture.

Once the batter is ready, then line the muffin tray with the muffin paper liners before spooning the batter into the muffin trays. This is followed by baking the muffins until golden brown and you then have for yourself a delightful and delicious banana muffins for your enjoyment.

These muffins came out super light and fluffy and melt perfectly well in the mouth when taken with a cup of tea, juice or even eaten alone. When worried that your bananas are quickly turning brown, worry no more... but make for yourself some yummilicious banana muffins for some special treats for yourself, family and friends.