Prawns belong to crustaceans family and greatly vary in size with  meaty  flesh.
They are often available either fresh  or cooked with or without their shells.
Prawns can be cooked in salted water or can be fried, grilled or barbecued.
The flesh is grey in colour when raw but changes to pink and opaque once cooked.
Cold-water prawns are usually used in cold dishes such as salads or in a starter.
It can be served  with lemon juice, or as a Prawn cocktail.
It is ideal to eat cold-water prawns cold as  reheating tends to make it  dry out quickly.
Warm-water prawns are usually peeled and de-veined by removing the intestinal tract which is distasteful.
Fresh warm-water prawns tastes better when fried, grilled or barbecued.
Prawns are rich source of omega-3 fatty, Cholesterol, protein, vitamins and minerals.


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