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Waterleaf Assuming that nature never offered us any sort of vegetations such as vegetables, plants, trees, how could we have survived? Could there have been other alternatives? There are no doubts that vegetables continue to play important roles in our survival ~ supplying our bodies with essential nutrients that are necessary for our wellbeing. Several vegetables all over the world serve as bot

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HFB 4:The Gluten free Guide With Kirsten

On this episode of health & food bloggers podcast, Blessing, Krystina & Kirsten unravels the Gluten free Guide and the myths surrounding Celiac Disease.

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Gluten Free Fusilli

Pack of six, 14-Ounce (Total of 84-Ounces) Gluten Free; GMO Free; All Natural; Emulsifier Free Gluten Free certified; Gluten content below 20 ppm (parts per million); Kosher certified; BRC grade A certified; IFS higher level certified Always "al dente" Made in Italy Ingredients corn flour, rice flour Directions Cooking Time: 8 to 10 minutes

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Non-Stick Cooking Spray

Smart Balance Non-Stick Cooking Spray, Butter Flavor, 5 Ounce No fat, transfat or calories No hydroginated or partially hydroginated oils No cholesterol. carbohydrates or sodium Ideal ratio of 5:1 Omgea-6 to Omega-3 (ALA) Non-GMO

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Soy Flower Over the past years, several arguments have been raised regarding the impacts of soy consumption on health. While some studies attribute numerous benefits to soy, some others give contradicting opinions over this popular leguminous crop. Although everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion yet it is left for us to decipher what we really want for ourselves.This article titled "disc

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Fruits make up a major part of our daily diets although not everyone consumes these nature's gift on a daily basis. Researchers have recommended the regular consumption of watermelon as it is highly nutritious and contains numerous medicinal properties. It is noteworthy that it is not only the watermelon flesh that is considered nutritive. The seeds have equally been considered safe to be an essential part of our diets due to its numerous health benefits.

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Fruits and vegetables remain a vital part of our diets. One important root vegetable that is also categorised as a fruit is the carrot. Carrot has gained tremendous recognition as a result of its high nutritional value and bioactive constituents. It provides us with numerous micronutrients, nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed for the healthy functioning of the body. Here are the reasons why carrot should be part of your regular diet.

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GLUTEN-FREE DIET: HOW BENEFICIAL IS IT TO YOUR HEALTH?A gluten-free diet is a diet that strictly contains foods without gluten. On the other hand, gluten is a protein derived from Latin word glue which is a composite gotten from wheat, barley, rye and grains. Gluten makes a dough to easily expand and rise as well retain its shape with flexibility. It is often used in producing dermatological prod

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 [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO9PNYEgs1U[/embed]I can now confidently say that I am amazingly excited that I will henceforth be using Canon EOS 6D for my food photography. I just unboxed the Canon EOS 6D Camera and I am ecstatic.Ooh la la I am mmmmmm................. as in seriously dancing!Ask me why?Well, because I am finally unboxing my Canon EOS 6d. Yes, Yes, Yes!Sorry that I a

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Millets With several studies supporting millet as a highly nutritious and healthy food, it is just disheartening that most of us are still oblivious of why millet is an essential grain. Despite being a popular grain, most of us are rather reluctant in including this tiny seeded cereal in our diets. The truth still remains that millet is one of the oldest cereal that is in high demand especially

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Sorghum Sorghum has remained a staple food especially in the tropical and subtropical parts of the world. Also known as milo, millet, jowari or durra, this multipurpose crop equally serves as feed, fodder and fuel source. Sorghum belongs to the grass family of Gramineae and it is the fifth main cereals in the world after wheat, rice, maize and barley.Some species of sorghum include; Sorghum prop

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Cassava Tubers Over the years, plants have remained an indispensable part of our lives. Yes, you can bet me on this because without plants, life will not be complete. Plants play essential role in the cycle of nature because life depends greatly on them, for example, plants provide us food, medicine, shelter, fragrance, clothing, flavours and fresh air. Being an integral source of food, photosyn

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Gluten Free Coconut with Chocolate Chips Cookies

These gluten free coconut with chocolate chips cookies are just the perfect snack for everyone especially school children for lunch break. The cookies are made without sugar which also qualifies them for a low-carb diet.

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This pomegranate juice is kid-friendly, adult-friendly, gluten free, fat free, dairy free, nut-free and there is definitely no way you can claim that this juice is not an ideal one for everyone.

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This apricot smoothie is distinctive with its unique sweetness and it is pretty healthy as the sugary taste only came from the fruity apricots. It is an healthy breakfast option you can't afford to neglect, just check out the recipe and give it a try.

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Rice Rice is one of my favourite dishes! Yes, I enjoy eating rice and I can confidently vouch that almost 85 percent of the world’s population is also on my bandwagon. I don’t know about you though,  but if rice is part of your bread and butter, then you can equally support me on this note that rice dishes are so delectable and ever tempting to eat. Being one of the most consumed grains in the w

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Poundo Yam Flour || How To Make Poundo Yam Flour

Have you ever considered making your own poundo yam flour? The truth is that you can actually process your poundo yam flour from the comfort of your kitchen. The method of processing yam flour shown in this post is pretty easy yet the benefits are simply immeasureable.

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Peanuts botanically known as Arachis hypogaea belongs to the species of legume of the Fabaceae family (Feng et., al 2012). It is an annual plant growing approximately 30 to 50 cm tall which originated from Paraguay. They are known with other names such as ground nuts, monkey nuts or pygmy nuts.According to the Peanut Institute, peanuts are rich sources of vitamin E, niacin, copper, phosphorus magn

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Carrot fufu || How to make carrot fufu

Have you ever thought of using carrots to make fufu? If you haven't, then this is an opportunity for you to make some carrot fufu for yourself, family and friends. This carrot fufu recipe is pretty easy yet the outcome is overwhelmingly amazing. You only need 2 ingredients (carrots and psyllium husks powder) to make this dish a reality.

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Low carb diet is an eating plan which greatly minimises the consumption of high amount of carbohydrates to reduce the onset of obesity especially with overweight individuals. Within this plan, foods such as pasta, rice, white bread, yam and sugar are replaced with foods rich in protein contents such as fish, meat, egg, cheese etc.The area of research supporting low-carb diets has tremendously grow

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