I am so obsessed with noodles because they are amazingly delicious, versatile and incredibly easy-to-make. Moreover, I am super excited to share this recipe with my pals, although this is not the first time I am sharing noodle recipes on this platform but this is sort of ordinary from the usual noodles I've been making.
Well, probably because I used some ingredients I've not bothered using in the past to prepare this dish. Although zucchini and carrot noodle is a versatile dish, yet I haven't gotten around to preparing it.

But thank goodness that finally, I was able to this yummilicious dish although it came at a cost. However, I was fortunate enough to have some zucchinis relaxing in my kitchen.
Yep... I also realised that I had some carrots easing-off in my fridge, so I then thought it right to use these vegetables for an awesome combo----
And there you go,,, A 15 minutes zucchini and carrot noodles!

Do you care to know the good things about this meal? If yes, then - It is simplistic, colourful, delicious, light, nutrient-packed (via the vegetables combo) and super-delicious.
Wow, which other way can I express the beauty of this meal? Probably you can help me build the list of the gooddies about zucchini and carrot noodles. These attributes were actually why I made this for yesterday's lunch and within few minutes we had non left out.

My favourite way to eat zucchini and carrot noodles is by eating it with chopping sticks – Well, let me pretend to be a Chinese momentarily {Winks}.
Although I picked the noodles with fork the whole time I was shooting the photos till I finished and decided to behave more civilised and adhere to my table etiquettes. But it wasn't my fault cos I took a little bit longer than usual to photograph this dish.....

Well, I took my time to properly set-up the dish and the background appearances in order to capture the beauty of the noodles, which I think I executed to the best of my knowledge. But notwithstanding, I can't complain for the prolonged photo session, after-all its my hobby!

This delectable noodle dish is without doubts, a rich recipe for your delight!
Be sure to check out the recipe below and prepare some delicious noodles for yourself, family and friends.