Yeah! The farmers markets are open at last for the year and I am super excited about it. These markets are gonna see my beautiful face more regular on Sundays as I visit them and stock up with loads of vegetables and fruits. These days, both my breakfast, lunch and dinner will be filled with loads of salads and fruits ~ Am gonna literally turn to semi-vegetarian. But who cares ~ I'm happy about it!
I usually cut up, slice, chop or dice these veggies, just to suit the recipe and scenario I intend to use them up for. Furthermore, I can either eat them fresh, raw, steamed, cooked or fried. It might sound boring to fry vegetables but I think it is an amazing way of being a little bit adventurous with these cutie veggies.
As part of my veggies-adventures, I decided to convert some carrots lying in my kitchen into some fried carrot chips. Even though it requires some couple of minutes to peel and cut the carrots, but I must confess the efforts were totally worth it.

My inspiration to make this recipe came up when I looked at some frozen potato chips in my freezer. Right then I asked myself, if these potatoes can be fried, why not cut up some carrots into mini batons and then give them a really deep fry? I must confess to you that I am happy I followed my instinct because the outcome was just phenomenal.
This fried carrot chips recipe for sure has entered the list of my all time favourite recipes and I've got no doubt you will agree with me once you try it out. There are quite a lot you can do with carrot ~ you can either roast it, steam it, boil it, cook it, eat it raw and fresh ........ list them! But despite all these methods of consuming this veggie, I believe converting it into carrot chips is just spectacular.

Interestingly, these carrot chips are pretty easy to prepare, delicious and above all, healthy. Once you've peeled and cut up the carrots, add them in a clean bowl, add a little bit of salt and some grated pepper then fry in hot oil. Afterwards, scoop out your fried carrot chips into a paper-lined sieve to drain excess oil.
Now you can enjoy your carrot chips as much as you like ~ either garnished with more veggies, dipped in sauce/dips/ketchup or eaten just alone. But I don't recommend eating these fried carrot chips cold at all, they are better off eaten either straight outta oil or while still warm.

As much as I love my fried carrot chips, I don't eat them quite often cos I am trying to cut down on my oil intake. But it is totally up to you to decide how often you want to prepare and enjoy your carrot chips after all, it is a free world! Everyone is entitled to his or her own preferences!!!
This fried carrot chips recipe is a no brainer ~ so next time you come across some carrots, pleeaaasssseeee do remember carrot chips and please try out this recipe. I bet you won't regret it at all!!! Yes, because these chips are a great way of sinking your teeth into some really yuuummmiiilllliiiicccioouuss, fllaavvvouurffuull and swweeeeeeeeettttt vegetable treat.
XoXo Blessing