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Eat some cheesy baked potato cakes to wow your taste-bud. Very easy-to-prepare, energy-packed, healthy and above all super delicious. Give it a try for a change!

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I like honey and I know most people do!The big question is; why do people like honey? Could it be as a result of its sweetness, its medicinal benefits or for any other reason? Well, let's find out...Watch this short video on how to make Honey & Cinnamon Tea!Honey as popularly known, is a sweet bees-producing food made from flower's nectars. The most common bees-producing honey is of the genus

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I can't talk right now! Quite busy enjoying my baked pasta with creme fraiche and I believe you too can keep your mouth busy with this deliciously made pasta dish. Check out the recipe and give it a try.

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Baked Pear & Blueberries Oat

The Baked Pear & Blueberries Oat recipe begins with carefully gathering all the required ingredients together___ oats + pears + blueberries + coconut flakes + honey + raisins+cinnamon and brown sugar.

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When next you have some overripe bananas lying around your kitchen and you are bugging your brain on what to do or not to do with them, worry no more as this recipe is here to solve your problem. Whipping up those overripe bananas with a few collections of other basic kitchen ingredients will yield a moist and delicious banana bread for you.

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Being one of my all favorite cakes, I can tell you for sure that this Madeira cake recipe is a no brainer at all. Although this Madeira cake is very easy to make but yet super delicious and tantalizing.

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The weather has been so cold and windy of late with cough, flu and cold attacking victims in full force. I got cautioned and alerted this year the hard way because I failed to carry out my normal yearly routine of preparing lemon, honey and ginger drink.To cut the story short, I had cold last week which reminded me of my usual drink however, the good news is that the moment I made my home remedy f

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When I eat my humble honey baked oats, I want crunchy tops with a moist inner texture, not too soft and not too hard, and obviously golden brownish in appearance. And then I keep measuring, adding and removing the recipe ingredients until I am totally satisfied with the outcome.

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Give yourself a classic treat with the inside-out apple crisp! It makes a perfect dessert or on-the-go breakfast, super easy to bake and super delicious.

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This honey lemon roasted chicken recipe is not difficult to prepare, but it can take a little bit of time in terms of marination which is perfectly okay. It is important to marinate the chicken before roasting as this prevents it from drying out and also enhances its flavour and juiciness. For this recipe, I also used a dark soy sauce to marinade because I often use it all the time on preparing my chicken dishes. It gives the chicken such an amazing taste.

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Microwave Baked Eggs Recipe Video!!! My dear, I'm always on the lookout for a quick, easy but yet nutritious meal that I can pick on especially on those busy mornings I head out helter skelter. Yep, something that requires a little time and attention from me especially when I have a couple of things to sort out before rushing out of the house in the morning. This microwave baked eggs dish perfect

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Manuka Honey Blend

Enjoy 1 TBSP honey between meals or with warm water. - Or as directed by your healthcare professional. Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 Tablespoon Servings Per Container 16 Amount Per Serving Daily Value Calories 45 Total Fat 0 g 0 Sodium 2 mg 1 Total Carbohydrate 12 g 4 Sugars 12 g Protein Percent Daily Values are based on a 2 000 calorie diet Other Ingredients Manuka honey rewarewa honey Warnings Keep out of reach of children

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Baked Whole Chicken

This baked whole chicken turned out super delicious, crispy, enticing and gooey. Don't miss out this awesome recipe, just hit your kitchen right away and bake for yourself a delicious side dish.

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Raw Honey

Pure, Unpasteurized and Alive with Enzymes, Vitamins, Minerals that are naturally found in honey in its raw state. Highest possible levels of live enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healing agents as a functional food Prebiotic Properties: Helps promote the growth and activity of bifidobacteria. Direct and fresh from the Hive!! Amazing taste and full flavour... very different to supermarket honey Unprocessed, raw state provides maximum level of natural antioxidants and full beneficial factors as a functional whole food.

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Roasted jacket potato with baked beans

Preparing roasted jacket potato with baked beans is such an easy task as you can leave it timed in the oven and then focus on doing other house chores. Besides the baked beans only needs to be warmed hence my reason for classifying this recipe as a qu--ii--cc--kk--ii--ee.

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GLUTEN-FREE DIET: HOW BENEFICIAL IS IT TO YOUR HEALTH?A gluten-free diet is a diet that strictly contains foods without gluten. On the other hand, gluten is a protein derived from Latin word glue which is a composite gotten from wheat, barley, rye and grains. Gluten makes a dough to easily expand and rise as well retain its shape with flexibility. It is often used in producing dermatological prod

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Pineapple and Banana Smoothie

Making smoothie is one of the easiest recipes and it takes no time or unnecessary preparations. All you need is a blender, honey and selection of fruits you desire and your smoothie is ready in 2 mins. This Pineapple and Banana Smoothie is very nutritious, appetizing and easy to make.

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Make the most of this season's pineapple by transforming it into some flavorsome and delicious honey grilled pineapples! Very easy to prepare and yet very refreshing!

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Sliced Baked Potatoes with Herbs and Cheese

I enjoy using fresh herbs for this sliced baked potatoes with herbs and cheese recipe, however in the absence of non, I use the dried ones. Honestly this meal makes a perfect lunch for a perfect Sunday.

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Roasted Lamb Ribs With Salad

Find out the easiest recipe for roasted lamb ribs with salad by following our simple tips. Although lamb ribs can be prepared and dished in various ways, doing it yourself is key to exploring a more preferable method of preparation. May be you have not thought about using honey for cooking, but I bet you, marinating lamb ribs with honey does not only make it so juicy, but makes it really yumly ta--ss--tt--yy.

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