I read an article this morning published on London Metro newspaper Tuesday 11/11/2014 titled; Smoothies Have More Sugar than Coca-Cola. The writer arguably suggests that the widely “healthy labelled smoothies and juices” are more sugary than Coca-Cola products.
A survey carried out using over 200 products showed that a quarter of the products contained at least six teaspoons of sugar in every 200ml glass which is a maximum adult daily intake recommendation by the World health Organization.
These smoothies according to the writer contain 8 tsps of sugar against 5 tsps of Coca-Cola. Prof Graham MacGregor of Queen Mary University of London supports that the marketing of these products as "healthy to children" is totally unacceptable and has to stop. In a move for a healthy living, Action on Sugar’s Campaign director katherine Jenner advises everyone to “eat the fruit and avoid drinking the sugary juice.”
katherine Jenner’s recommendation prompted me to explain on this blog, why individuals should endeavor to make their own smoothies. Understandably, smoothies are very healthy and nutritious, but what makes it unhealthy is the excessive amount of sugar added by producers.
Smoothie is a blended beverage made from fresh fruits or vegetables and greatly adds to the much advocated World Health Organization 5-A-DAY program which encourages everyone to eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables everyday.
Healthy smoothie doesn’t require adding sugar as the fruits alone contain their natural sweeteners. However, for individuals that prefer sweetened smoothie, I recommend using honey in place of sugar. I have written an article on the immense health benefits of honey which you can read up here.
Making smoothie is one of the easiest recipes and it takes no time or unnecessary preparations. All you need is a blender, honey and selection of fruits you desire and your smoothie is ready in 2 mins. Firstly cut the fruits into tiny bits, add into blender with honey and blend until smooth before serving.

I made this pineapple and banana smoothie with honey. The reason for using honey as a sweetener is because honey is healthy and more nutritious.
I use kenwood blender and it takes me like seconds to get my smoothie ready and this blender is very good as it smoothly blends the fruits making it roughage-free, cool and nutritious.
I encourage you to try making your own smoothie and I can assure you will never get bored of taking it every time.