It's very cold here and the thoughts of warm spicy dishes are becoming the order of the day.
I usually make this recipe with whole chicken but this time around, I decided to go for the thighs only.
It is very easy and super yummy, just appetizing enough to keep my mouth delighted but simple enough for a cold weekend.
The recipe involves de-skinning the chicken thighs, adding all the necessary ingredients, mixing them together, placing them in a slow cooker oven and there you go..... All done!

Once cooked, you can serve with any main dish of choice or preferably you can eat them alone. Either way, they are super delicious.
I urge you to follow the simple steps outlined below to prepare your own version of slow roasted chicken thighs. Enjoy...

I usually make this recipe with whole chicken but this time around, I decided to go for the thighs only.
It is very easy and super yummy, just appetizing enough to keep my mouth delighted but simple enough for a cold weekend.
The recipe involves de-skinning the chicken thighs, adding all the necessary ingredients, mixing them together, placing them in a slow cooker oven and there you go..... All done!

Once cooked, you can serve with any main dish of choice or preferably you can eat them alone. Either way, they are super delicious.
I urge you to follow the simple steps outlined below to prepare your own version of slow roasted chicken thighs. Enjoy...