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JASMINE [embed]https://gfb.global.ssl.fastly.net/podcasts/HFB_6_Health_Benefits_of_Jasmine.mp3[/embed] Plants continue to play an integral role in both orthodox and traditional medicines for preventing and treating various diseases and ailments. Although not all plants fall into this category, yet a great number of plants have been recorded as excellent bioresources for medicinal purposes. Th

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In acknowledgement of the biblical Jewish holiday celebrated on every 15th day of the month of Tishrei known as Sukkot, Feast of Booths or Feast of Tabernacles, I present this special challah bread to all my Jewish friends.

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HFB 6: Jasmine and It's Benefits

Jasmine is botanically known as Jasminum officinale or jæsmᵻnəm and belongs to the olive family of Oleaceae. This shrub comprises of approximately two hundred species that are originally from Oceania, Eurasia and Australasia.Jasmine is mostly planted for the distinctive fragrance of its flowers. Different countries have different names for jasmine for example; Marathi calls it kunda, Hindi calls i

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When next you have some overripe bananas lying around your kitchen and you are bugging your brain on what to do or not to do with them, worry no more as this recipe is here to solve your problem. Whipping up those overripe bananas with a few collections of other basic kitchen ingredients will yield a moist and delicious banana bread for you.

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Heat up the charcoal fire asap because this Turkish ekmek bread is absolutely an 100+/100 percent situation. Distinctively flavourful, delicious and super easy to make! Just give it a try for a change.

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Enjoy your passover celebration even as you treat yourself and family with this spectacular recipe. Check out this unleavened flat bread recipe and give it a try.

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Cake Recipes & Cupcake Recipes

Cake Recipes & Cupcake Recipes Cake Recipes & Cupcake Recipes is a brand new app packed full of delicious, quick and easy recipes! Featuring Various Cake recipes all with easy video instructions, Cupcake recipes with step by step video tutorials. Also added are low fat Cake recipes so you don't have to always feel guilty! With enough Cake and Cupcake recipes to keep you busy baking and the 50% off discount, you should jump in and get this app right now!

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Omelet With Sliced Bread

Omelet with Sliced Bread makes a perfect breakfast. It is such a quick breakfast to fix especially during morning rush hours

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Rice Rice is one of my favourite dishes! Yes, I enjoy eating rice and I can confidently vouch that almost 85 percent of the world’s population is also on my bandwagon. I don’t know about you though,  but if rice is part of your bread and butter, then you can equally support me on this note that rice dishes are so delectable and ever tempting to eat. Being one of the most consumed grains in the w

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Unleavened bread is a special type of breads prepared basically without any leavening agents to commemorate the feast of Passover. Find out how to make for yourself, family and friends some special unleavened bread.

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Bread nuggets are one of my favourite breakfast treats although I just don’t get around making them quite regularly. Notwithstanding that there are loads of bread nuggets recipes out there, but this recipe is quite unique in the sense that I developed this recipe personally out of my creative mind. I can tell you for sure that this is one of the easiest and yummiest breakfast, mid-day or evening s

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Millets With several studies supporting millet as a highly nutritious and healthy food, it is just disheartening that most of us are still oblivious of why millet is an essential grain. Despite being a popular grain, most of us are rather reluctant in including this tiny seeded cereal in our diets. The truth still remains that millet is one of the oldest cereal that is in high demand especially

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Epidemiological studies have revealed that the intake of grain-based products and whole grains is linked with a reduced risk of age-related disorders and oxidative-stress related chronic diseases. The health benefits of wheat are solely dependent on the type of wheat being consumed. Here are the amazing benefits of wheat, which you need to be aware of.

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Now that the feast of Passover is here, are you eager to try the unleavened bread recipe? Peradventure this is your first time or you have made this before, this is the time to make it from another dimension. The finished unleavened bread came out so soft as you can see from the video, full of texture and tasty.

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Pumpkin Seed Bread Recipe

If you are considering a new bread recipe to add to your list of favourite recipes, then it's high time you tried this pumpkin seed bread recipe. Not difficult to make at all and yet super delicious.

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Hi my lovely readers, I am just glad to share with you some easy steps on how to start yumming recipes from this blog. You probably may have heard of Yummly before or not but its a pleasure to let you know that this is a great platform launched in 2010 that contains gazillions of mouthwatering recipes from all over the world. Interestingly, it is also super easy to use and Yum all your favorite re

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Adjustable Bread Storage

Keeps bread and other baked goods fresh longer Expands up to 11 inches to accommodate most bread sizes Adjust the air vents to allow the desired amount of air in the keeper Bread board included for convenient slicing Dishwasher safe

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The Baking Bible

Legendary baker Rose Levy Beranbaum is back with her most extensive “bible” yet. With all-new recipes for the best cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, candies, pastries, breads, and more, this magnum opus draws from Rose’s passion and expertise in every category of baking. As is to be expected from the woman who’s been called “the most meticulous cook who ever lived,” each sumptuous recipe is truly foolproof—with detail-oriented instructions that eliminate guesswork, “plan-aheads,” ingenious tips, and highlights for success. From simple everyday crowd-pleasers (Coffee Crumb Cake Muffins, Gingersnaps, Gooseberry Crisp) to show-stopping stunners (Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse Tart, Mango Bango Cheesecake, White Christmas Peppermint Cake) to bakery-style pastries developed for the home kitchen (the famous French Kouign Amann), every recipe proves that delicious perfection is within reach for any baker.

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Toast bread and egg is an easy to fix breakfast.

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Bagels are type of bread shaped into a round form with hands. These bread product are made with flour dough firstly boiled briefly in water before baking.

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