Did you know that you can cook your white rice in 4 minutes? Yes, it is possible with an instant pot. I am happy to share this instant pot white rice recipe with you. So here is a detailed recipe on how to cook your white rice easily with an instant pot. I was inspired to make this recipe after receiving a request from one of my fans. In fact, I was specifically asked to include the measurements and the timer in the description.
So here is your favourite girl doing the honours just to make your quarantine period a bit lively. The truth is that I love everything about the instant pot. Give me an instant pot, and I can survive anywhere! The main things I love about this pot is its ease of use and the ability to cook in less time. What more can I ask for? In fact, expect tons of instant pot recipes from me.

Watch this video on how to cook white rice with the instant pot!


But if you don't have an instant pot, you can still cook your white rice using this recipe I have previously shared. Check out the white rice recipe here. Well-cooked white rice is what you need as a main meal to serve alongside that your palatably-cooked stew or sauce. A healthy habit I picked from my mum is "never to cook rice without first parboiling it". Parboiling rice helps to get rid of the starchy water, which is unhealthy. So if you don't need those extra calories, parboil the rice first and you are good. Besides, parboiling the rice helps to make it non-sticky. If you watch the video recipe included in this post, you will observe that the rice was sticky after it was parboiled. This is as a result of the starch in the rice. But once you parboil and wash the rice properly, you will get a perfect result.
In a nutshell, first parboiling rice before finally cooking it is essential as this allows the finished product to come out so well. While this prevents the rice from getting sticky and starchy, it does make the rice tasty, flavorful and tempting to eat. I love to garnish my white rice with stew, so I went ahead and prepared an instant pot goat stew. I made the goat stew because I have the ingredients available as well as the goat meat in my deep freezer. All the ingredients paired so well to yield an amazing result. I felt so good eating the white rice with the goat stew because the taste was just "out of this world". Who doesn't like good things? My dear, go ahead and give yourself, family and friends a good treat! Life is too short to be in self-denial.
N:B - The Instant pot cook time does not include the heat up or release times.


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